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Posts posted by clan2009w

  1. Hey guys,i'm still alive,I wanted to commit suicide,but after calling the hotline for suicide,they gave me good advice,but I had to go to the hopsital because I injured my arm(alittle bit)and my fingers,I kinda stapped myself,so I'm typing with one hand.But you know what you guys are right,when I was at the hopsital for couple hours,getting my arm&fingers fixed my mom was the only person there and she cried.So yeah,suicide is stupid decision and I will not kill myself,or have thougts or hurt myself anymore.And you people on these forum are amazing your advice,is actually inspiring me,well thanks guys I will keep you guys updated.

  2. No girl will ever like or a guy will like me dude,im a pathetic nerd who needs doesnt deserve to live.Well after highschool I want to be animal doctor.My time is running seriously cutting myself,isn't killing me fast enough, i'm gonna sign off these forum and call the suicide hotline,after that well I don't know really.But I would like to thank you guys,you guys are the first and probaly only people who even bother to respond to my topic and listen to my pathetic nerd,I cant believe you guys are not bothered by me complaining about how life sucks, thank you and bye!

  3. Wow,you guys are giving me good advice,but man my life sucks soo much,i'm tired of just cutting my wrists its not killing me,fast enought but if I commit suicide it will make everyone alot happier, I mean every weekend I spend being on the computer and being alone, my own dad hates me.


    P.S. If I don't respond or post anything in 1 week or 2 days it means I have killed myself!

  4. Hey guys,I'm new here one of my counselors at school suggest I go a forum where I can get help,rather then expressing my thoughts in real life,so I don't feel ashamed.So I signed up here,today and these maybe my first and only post because I'm thinking about commiting suicide,my life * * * *en sucks.First of all I'm errrr 17 years old still a virgin,I'm about to be 18 soon.I have NO friends nobody in school likes me everyone calls me a nerd,dork,geek,loser and other bad names,most like to call me pee herman or white steve erkl.I get picked on like everyday,seriously no joke the guys espically the one in my football team like pushing me around but today they put me in the trash can,then threw a bottle of poop at me,they literay make my life miserable.I cut my wrists now,no girl like me,nobody likes me.My own parents don't like me expect for my mom,butmy dad man he hates me,he says i'm a sissy and a wimp.He told me several times he wishes he had another son.I have ran away soo many times away from home,but that it isn't helping me.My life sucks, I have nothing no friends,no girlfriend,nothing I don't go to the mall, the last time I was at the mall was when I was 10 years old and it was with my mom.I never been to a party,I'm not a normal teen basically my life sucks.So i'm here to get advice,is I'm thinking about commiting suicide,like hang myself or stap myself,so if anyone can alteast inspire me or give me advice on how to live life,I would be appreciated other then that commiting suicide is in my head everyday,and today might be the day,i'm not sure if i will kill myself,but I might do it,but I need to be inspired or motiviated by something I need help guys,if I don't respond today or post anything else in 2 days or 1 week it means I have killed myself,please I really do, need help me!!!

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