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Posts posted by CtinaDitty

  1. Okay. My last real boyfriend was a little over a year ago. I met someone new and I really like them and they also like me too. But... whenever I'm away from him, I feel like.. weird about going into a relationship. I mean when I'm with him I'm fine and enjoying being with him immensely. But when I'm away I feel just... weird about it... Now this isn't a question about being over my ex.. Because I most definitely am, and don't try to tell me that I'm not. I don't know what my problem is... ..

  2. I got diagnoses with asthma last year after having it for about 2-3 years but not having a clue what was up. I had already had a bunch of small asthma attacks and one really serious one before I was diagnosed.


    The reason we came to the conclusion that I might have asthma was during my HS soccer season. When I breathed it hurt in my chest and lungs. It was a sharp pain and it was hard to breathe in. It was hard to catch a breath. And I knew something was wrong then, because we'd been conditioning all season so there was NO reason for me not to be in shape. Then during my State Championship game last year, it was extrememly hot, and I'd been drinking a LOT of water. I'd go out on the field for 2 minutes not be able to breathe, almost pass out... Not a good time, let me tell you...


    Anyway, that's how we figured I had asthma. We went to the doctor's and they confirmed it. I use an Advair inhalor, and albuterol rescue inhalor, and the pill Singular.


    Hope this helped! and Good Luck with your son!!

  3. You can "outgrow" asthma. Depending on how you treat it or how your lifestyle changes, it can go away... I was diagnosed with asthma last year after having it for around 2-3 years, yet not knowing what it was. I hate having it and wish I could outgrow it considering I'm sooo active in sports year round. But, hey... life isn't fair, so get over it, lol.

  4. So what are you saying?


    Women without big butts will lack attention from men?




    Two words:

    Grow up.


    Sweetheart, you're only 13, and you didn't understand what he was saying, so don't get all rude and tell people to grow up, b/c that's what you need to be doing yourself.


    As in reply to the post! Thanks so much! I'm athletic and curvy and you're right, many people feel self conscious about having curves. Big hips, skinny waste... lol But I'm most of the time comfortable with myself, but thanks for the reassurement!!

  5. That's almost funny. I'm just now 17 and 5'8"ish maybe 5'9" and everyone I know really like having a boyfriend who is taller than them! Especially us taller girls.. My ex boyfriend was annoyed because I was pretty much the same height as him. He always joked about how I was taller than him... But... Yeah.. Being tall is a good thing! Don't worry! They're pmly 13! It'll will change!!

  6. I was given a cortizone shot, and it worked for a while, but the next time I got taken out, the pain came STRAIGHT back and isn't leaving... It's in the meniscus area, it has the same symptoms, and... ugh... I just want to get this taken care of...


    Should I get another MRI and another opinion? I don't really like the doctor I'm going to...

  7. Okay, No offense to the ol' doctor method, but sometimes "rest it" is what they say when they don't know what to do. I mean, I had tendonitus in my Left knee when I was like 13. I am a very very busy athlete, and can't afford rest. He told me to rest it, my Dad and I disagreed. I went on a kept playing on it, and it was fine... I mean, SOMETIMES I can feel it when the weather's changing, but yeah... If it hurt, I just iced it a lot after games. IBprophen usually works.


    I'm not saying Doctor's aren't smart, because they definitely are.. I just hate the ol' "rest it" response... Because that never works for me, trust me, I've tried...

  8. I've had a concussion. I was headed in the head in a HS soccer game. The only FOR SURE way you can tell is if you go to the doctor. It's not a big deal at the appt. They just check your symptoms and yada yada. Nothing big... But if you want to feel better, you need to go seek medical attention.

  9. Thanks for the smilies. Sorry, I'm a bit of a "blonde" sometimes, haha. I mean, I'm booksmart, but sometimes things go right over my head, haha.


    I'm not necessarily a St. Louis Hater, just they're soo snobby, and think they're God's gift to everything...

  10. So, you get paid for advertising Finland, eh? lol... wow..


    I wish some of these guys that are attracted to athletic girls would move here. I mean, I have PLENTY of guy friends, but idk, sometimes, I feel as if I'm seen as one of the guys a lot because I'm sooo athletic... Idk.. maybe I'm just weird, lol...

  11. Michelle Akers, former US Women's Soccer Team Player, amazing, btw, had Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. She was always tired, sometimes to the point where she couldn't get up. She was always soo tired! I'd get this checked out if I were you.


    Good Luck!

  12. It is actually small stress fractures in the tibia, etc.


    I don't think that's true. I mean, I've had them, but I'm no expert. They are often mistaken for stress fractures, but they aren't. Normally they come from doing too much too soon after a period of inactive time. Or increasing your work rate too rapidly. Improper shoes could be a source of the problem or running on uneven hard surfaces.


    1. Try and find new very comfortable shoes. Get inserts if necessary
    2. Lighten the work load. Take some rest. Ice
    3. If you are running on uneven hard surfaces, try a change of surface
    4. Increase your work load very slowly


    Hope I could be of some help!


    Good Luck, I know shin splints suck. After I broke my ankle playing soccer, I was out for around 6 months. Then I came back into High School soccer and we do sooo much work and from not being able to do something to bringing on HS soccer is just whoa. So, I got shin splints.

  13. The arch is really quite amazing when you're close to it. It can be seen from so far away. It's huge. If they would have been off less than a centimeter, they would have had to start all over.. That's how precise it had to be.

  14. Well, if you were to come to the States, there's a lot of places. I mean Florida or California's always nice, but if you want like sightseeing you could go there too, or Colorado. Those attract a lot of attention. There's Yellowstone National Park. Pretty cool. Bears roam around there and stuff. There's a TON of stuff to do here. Just kinda depends where ya go. In KC, Missouri, we have Worlds of Fun, a totally stellar rollar coaster park, and Oceans of fun, a water park. Um, St. Louis has 6 flags and of course the famous St. Louis Arch. It's pretty cool, though a lot of us from this side of Missouri really dislike the St. Louis side, because they're sooo cocky and think they're better than everyone. Which was great when we stuck it to them and won State last year in HS Soccer and beat the St. Louis teams... But yeah.. lol

    What part of Finland should I go to if I were to go there?

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