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Daddy Bear

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Posts posted by Daddy Bear

  1. image removed


    chimneys ripped the fuselage

    sacrificial sabotage

    the best crash

    is one nobody limps away from

    the best crash

    a resonating detonation



    don't get too high in the air

    people look like ants down there


    nearing target destination


    parachute yourself away, son



    I'll take it in

    all by myself

    I'll take it in

    don't need your help

    parachute, son

    and I think you'd better count to one



    just the Lady B and me

    low on fuel, bomb bay empty


    carry this accross the water

    oh, radio, radio

    say I loved her and our



    that's all he said

    and he was gone

    a blaze of red

    he took it down

    four-engine funeral

    glory, glory hallelujah

  2. i have seen darkness

    and i have not seen love

    but i will get through this

    maybe not now - but not never


    Believe in yourself, Jade, and you will find others who believe in you.

  3. tu


    un oeuf de merle criqué en bleu


    ici ensemble aujourd'hui, tristement allé demain


    la cause était ma tête, et pas les mains






    j'ai restant une peu d'espoir


    après-demain, quand nous aurons un panier de la foi


    nous joindrons nos pouces, et nos seize doigts

  4. Sung to the twin tunes of "The Bear Went Over the Mountain" and "For He's a Jolly Good Fellow."



    A Couple of 'Oursouls'



    The bear went over the ocean,

    The bear went over the ocean,

    The bear went over the ocean

    To see the Queen of Bees.


    A heart that swelled with devotion

    Had set the bear into motion.

    So off he swam in the ocean

    To see the Queen of Bees.


    To see the Queen of Bees,

    Of Dragons' Flies and Fleas.

    The bear went over the ocean,

    The bear went over the ocean,

    The bear went over the ocean,

    To kiss Queen Bee's blue knees.


    A ring the bear with him carried

    To give the Queen to get married.

    His push accepted, not parried,

    Soon followed BearBayBees.



    For we're a couple of mysouls,

    For we're a couple of yoursouls,

    For we're a couple of oursouls,

    For I am you are me.


    For I am you are me,

    The big bear and wee bee.

    For we're a couple of mysouls,

    For we're a couple of yoursouls,

    For we're a couple of oursouls,

    The big bear and wee bee.


    So have it sung round ye hearths' coals

    And echoed from ye guitars' holes:

    "All kiss Ye Royal Ourrrsooouls...

    Of King Bear and Queen Bee!"




  5. doesn't it make strangers of us all

    they hardly recognize you now

    your dropped defense

    for recompense

    in what your heart allows




    and might there be some truth in saying

    ignorance is bliss

    it takes a kind of fool to find

    some magic in a kiss

    but I have never known a feeling

    even close to this I have with you

    so call me fool


    I went to a supermarket on my lunch break today. I think it was a Vons or something. Ten thousand different items for sale, all colorful and eye-catching in their ten thousand spotless and dust-free corporate-designed disposable containers. But I'm like, no. I just want one thing. I just want an apple. So I go to the produce section and I pick up an apple. But not just any apple. A perfect apple. I cupped it in my hand and it fit like we were made for each other. I took it up to the express lane. Fifteen items or less. One is less than fifteen. So I had my rights. But the lady who rang me up looked at me like I might be crazy. Clearly, nobody else had the same idea. Nobody else had come for just one thing. "I'm not crazy," my eyes shouted back. "I have the perfect apple. I spent forty-five cents and I'm the happiest man in the world. They're all crazy for buying nonfat, cholesterol free, high-fiber, low sugar antibacterial cereal. It's oats. Plain old oats. They're paying through the nose for it, and they bought it because it came in a spotless and dust-free corporate-designed container with red ink on it. And because they didn't want people to think they were crazy for wanting just one thing." I took my apple and we took our leave.


    doesn't it make strangers of us all

    they hardly recognize me now

    a bridge of sighs

    massed butterflies

    and feeling I could drown




    and might there be some goof in seeing

    cooler heads prevail

    the warmer ones get all the sun

    and thereby hangs the tale

    oh, we were so impetuous

    the night that I unveiled my love for you

    two little fools


    two little fools

    • Like 2
  6. Thanks much, Allie, but it kills me to even look at it now. Barring an unlikely miracle of divine intervention, it's just going to have to remain the Unfinished Symphony of my literary spewings.

  7. But they rely on me, and when I do nurture them, they are thick and juicy and medicinal. They are there for me when I am there for them.


    My God, you're right. I'm a 24-karat bastard for not giving my 'aloe plant' the care it deserves.


    Oh, the horrible, horrible shame I feel now...

  8. things that hurt us most are never

    those designed to kill

    the mind, it knows when to shut down

    but oh, no

    not with this heartache


    i know what comes next, i'm gonna

    put on my cobain clothes

    walk the streets for miles on feet

    that always point away from me


    i don't wanna eat

    i don't wanna sleep

    i don't wanna breathe

    i don't wanna watch the tv


    i don't want to get undressed

    i don't want to see my chest

    the scar that runs accross my heart

    mom thinks it's from jumping over fences


    i don't want to feed my cat

    i don't want to wear my hat

    i don't want to put on socks

    will not eat them with a fox

    don't you make me laugh now, dammit

    the sound will hurt your ears and make you cry


    i don't wanna live

    i don't wanna live

    i don't wanna live

    i don't wanna live

    so why


    why is it

    i don't wanna die

  9. the words on the envelope cost her a breath


    "please do not open 'til after my death"


    inside was a note with a large and small X


    over verses in daddy's coarse handwritten text


    people leave us, it said


    and they don't leave much with us


    questions, they leave us


    they leave us with many holes



    we all must lose someone


    unless we had no one


    I lost my ever one


    but still had you, little one



    and didn't we have some kicks


    houses of popsicle sticks


    watching those kiddie flicks


    how they made my eyes roll



    mother's an angel bright


    and though I must join the light


    we'll sleep at your sides tonight


    you'll be the middle one



    baby, you must


    understand what you meant to us


    the product of hope and trust


    born in love's purity



    you were my everything


    you eased my suffering


    when you put our wedding rings


    on that chain that you wore



    and you must live on now


    live and be strong now


    we'll be there somehow


    as you pass on that legacy



    hand down our wedding bands


    and make sure they understand


    write something like this and


    keep it safe in a drawer


    and when daddy's poem had come to a close


    she wiped a last tear from the tip of her nose


    she felt a great joy when her babies were born


    and they all lived forever in subsequent form



    now, this is the meaning that everyone misses


    in the unbroken pattern of childhood's kisses


    regardless of who bore those children, my friends


    if you give them your love, then your life never ends.

    • Like 1
  10. SB,

    Very nice! Will read it again tomorrow, and weep.

    Thanks for sharing it.



    Aw, KG... don't grieve for what once was; get ready for what will be. You have everything it takes to bring yourself a bright future. *brotherly hug*

  11. For those who want to hope



    hold on to me, darling

    all through the restless night

    a morning close awaits us

    and a world caressed in light

    reflecting all the love you have inside

    so hold on through the night.


    I'll hold you like I'd hold that little girl

    who looked at her first rainbow

    and thought it was a miracle

    and you'll remember how you felt that day

    the rain will fade away

    and you'll know she wasn't wrong.


    you are

    the queen of people's hearts

    you should be free to smile and fill their eyes

    with all that 'queen' implies

    majestic and benevolent and wise

    how can I tell you?

    you are

    the gold of angels' hair

    the soft red of a full-bloom fragrant rose

    the pink of baby toes

    the blue of seas and, I am one who knows,

    brightest white of Arctic snows.



    oh, wicked things can happen

    people do forget to care

    very precious things get damaged

    they're discarded everywhere

    but I'll take One and see that it's repaired

    oh, I will always care.


    I've told you like they told that little girl

    in puppet shows and sweet songs

    that love can be a miracle

    and over time the nightmares will let go

    to let your spirit show

    and you'll know I wasn't wrong.



    so hold on to me, darling

    hold me through these trying times

    I am yours from here to Heaven

    and you likewise can be mine

    believe the rainbow's promise when it shines

    believe in love divine.

    • Like 1


    It breathes, and not with panting gasps, but as our longing quiet sighs;

    it leaves, and not by any door, but through the corners of our eyes.

    Within, we reap more golden grain than all the farmers ever grow;

    Without, our ovens damp and chill, no flour turns to warming dough.

    We glut - we sleep; we starve - we weep; thus we, as Man, will be

    The beast that cannot live by, nor live separate from, the seed.





    She makes it clear with present tense:

    her love outlives their many trials.

    And he, stretched tight like cyclone fence,

    can only mock his pain with smiles.





    if you've ever read the ending of a book, you know what happens is

    the lingering loose ends all get wrapped up like Christmas packages

    there's always resolution, be it comedy or drama

    so I wonder why our final words were followed by a comma


    my character's evolving and the plot's accelerating

    and this never had the feel of people casually dating

    there's no end and there's no middle, just a beautiful beginning

    we barely got it open and we closed it short of winning


    now there's only one thing to do

    how does this sound to you

    meet me on page two

  13. bed at three and I'm up at four

    'cause I can't have these dreams no more

    I'm sure I'll nod off in the hours to follow


    I take a spoon of bacon grease

    to lube the coming round of heaves

    look away, walk away

    and I will swallow



    lasted almost a day

    without my


    but the house burned down and I

    found in the fire an excuse to keep on

    poisoning the well of every

    dutiful intention



    I dove to save my drowning friends

    and came up only with the bends

    seven gone; how many bodies follow?


    you looked to be of a different kind

    but broken was my state of mind

    go away, blow away

    for we are hollow



    lonely I face the night

    beside my

    waning self and the PC's hum as I

    watch in amazement hands that keep on

    pushing buttons wrong on every

    magical invention.

  14. A few things that I wrote during my ENA hiatus, posted here so that I can find them:






    winnowed from a dissonant medley

    as confusion is distilled to weightless vapor and resolve

    in crystal droplets, finds her as with stalwart purpose;

    kissing shoulders never meant to carry,

    wetting hair long rumpled by despairing slender hands,

    salving welts from self-inflicted lashings on her soul.

    In what is close to an involuntary motion

    her face turns upward, catching more.





    Cruelest fish,

    we took my hook.

    We, schmuck and schnook.


    I crave pursuit, I do;

    to know your dusky gloom

    in algal bloom to be baptised,

    perhaps to rise -

    arms wide, olive drab, facial corners strict unbending.

    Thus, a true romantic ending!

    This Jesus statue should I be,

    though no-one good

    would drop a knee.


    Carnival, carnival, then. Again

    the caramel coats the fruit of sin.

    O gravity, you love a chin!





    Lay cool hands atop my steaming brow,

    damp the forge's clangs within my breast.

    Count with me the multitudes of sheep

    a-milling in the cool green meadows west.



    Armies cannot stop Rome's burning now;

    close my eyelids, bring me perfect rest.

    Goddess Mother, take me in my sleep;

    fly with me against your bosom pressed.



    Give me no wine, for I want to be vivid

    the sweet sublimation of joining the skies,

    even if fantasy born in expiring.

    Few of us dream so well; who never dies?



    EDIT: One more; "Doodle" (aka "On Direction and the Human Condition")


    There is no metaphor in Zen -

    I glance askance, askew,

    but then

    affix a face afore again.

  15. Whoa, "powerful" and "profound." Score!


    The thickly overcast mood that produced this dirge has fortunately passed, but I'll leave the thread up as a reminder of a sullen brooder that I want at all costs to avoid being.


    Missed you guys!

  16. Noun.

    The natural physical law

    by which

    everything beautiful


    Medusa follows Midas

    as midnight follows morning.

    So little time

    we are given.

    So much poignancy

    to ignore.



    Shame on the rainbows

    the diamonds and the birds

    for being what

    I'm almost sure

    they are.

    Shame on my eyes

    for seeing color.

    Shame on my soul

    for having need.



    No one leaves the heart


    no one's ever there.

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