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Daddy Bear

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Posts posted by Daddy Bear

  1. Inscrutable -

    a name pronounced in

    snowflakes swirling,

    then changing into

    teardrops twirling

    in the tempest's waterspout

    we kicked out.



    The thing about wielding a sword,

    as good as they are for protection,


    we don't always reckon both sides of the blade.



    My Inscrutable -

    all my own, or

    kind of could be -

    I thought I heard her

    say she should be

    in the tick before she fled

    as we bled.



    And the thing about saving the world,

    as good as it is to have heroes,


    the world does not always prefer to be saved.



    Luke and Mark and Matt and John,

    bless the bed she lies upon,

    the pillows that she cries upon,

    the covers she relies upon

    for safety when the night is long.

    Saints, preserve this weary one

    until she joins the dawn.

  2. I call out to you... even knowing you will not answer.


    I beg forgiveness... even knowing you will flatly refuse.


    I await tomorrows... even knowing you will not be part of them.


    I plan my journey... even knowing you will turn your face from mine.


    I honor your name... even knowing you will not be pleased.


    I do these things... even knowing you will never again take me in your heart. And I will regret none of it on that last ever morning, because I will have loved you without cease through times when love was not the easier way.

  3. Makes me want to hang myself, but in a good way. I was eating some leftover IHoP pancakes when I read this and my throat closed up so tight with emotion that I had to run to the fridge to wash down the clog with milk. LMAO! That's one powerful piece right there.

  4. once again, Sir, you piss all over my own efforts and leave me simply in awe.


    That's a load of monkey trumpets, strudel. I saw your latest posted work and it was damn sure no thang to peeze at.


    R U getting it published?


    Maybe posthumously. I hear that's where the money's at.

  5. After reading this once, I find it necessary to avert my eyes. Its quiet horror is reminiscent of the visceral pangs evoked by Live's somber "Lightning Crashes" video, which I've always found very hard to watch.

  6. one eye - the left - and paint is peeling

    half a head hits three-foot ceiling


    cedar steamer trunk


    magicienne, ventriloquist

    pretending lies were on his lips

    justified her lopping off a chunk

    good plan

    good act

    good axe

    good thunk


    she took a bow and now her dummy's junk

  7. Wendy O. Williams

    1949 - 1998


    image removed


    image removed


    image removed



    Final Days (Another Angry Tribute)


    You were rocking in the aisle at the Perkins one night

    Gunpowder burns in a hot white spotlight

    Leaped from my seat and we danced and I knew

    It didn't mean a f___ing thing to you



    Queen of shock rock

    Bi-color Mohawk

    A pig that wears a wig

    Is a big blonde pig

    We all would eat it

    Everything's pretend

    But the animal's best friend

    Had nothing to defend



    You were rocking down in London town with Lemmy and his band

    But it wouldn't be your plan to "Stand By Your Man"

    Just a bunch of words and you laughed and they knew

    That nothing meant a f___ing thing to you



    Did you have to shoot?

    Did Lemmy wear a monkey suit?

    I wonder what you wrote

    In your suicide note

    I wouldn't read it

    Powder burns again

    Wasted in the end

    There's nothing to defend

  8. eighty-something keys that don't work

    on a stolen brass ring

    twenty-something blackbirds in a pile

    but none of 'em sing

    a bad motor scooter that he never gonna ride

    somethin' ain't clickin' inside

    he misaligned


    cookie on the table with a bite taken out

    milk all over the floor

    a million-power telescooper trained at the moon

    he don't wanna see any more

    his watch, it half-stopped and his gun, it half-cocked

    the boy, he frozen in time

    he misaligned


    tie on straight but he neck all crooked

    once he had a hat but he know she took it

    he pushing down donuts with wine

    misaligned, misaligned


    dozen-dozen-thousand angel choir

    it still sound weak

    DJ rape Rapunzel in the tower

    now she don't speak

    Holmes look at Watson and he shake he giant head

    and what good a detective when you dead?

    malignant signs

    the world so fine

    just misaligned

  9. And yet...it doesn't seem to be missing, in that you still have so much of it to go around.


    Ha, don't believe the hype. I only put up this Gingerbrot-Haus to lure chubby Kinder into mein stewpot.

    *sharpens knives together*

  10. Thanks, thanks and thanks.


    Just a hind paw note here: I can't rightly hold anyone other than myself responsible for the real-life events that spawned this little doohickey. Bears are feeling critters, though, and I definitely do feel like my heart's been swiped.

  11. Felony


    I never thought


    that I would see


    that kind of


    brazen robbery


    You executed




    A wonderment of crime





    I lie in chains


    no more to be


    a man whose heart


    beats quietly


    And ain't that just


    the irony


    for if you brought it


    back to me


    it still would not be mine



    And what did you get?


    What did you get


    for your larceny?


    A handful of coins


    thirty or so


    bright and silvery?


    Did you exchange


    for a handful of change


    something more precious, my dear?


    For a heart can be gold


    but a heart can be sold


    and formed into rings for a nose and an ear



    Oh, Felony


    I can't describe


    the misery


    My nights alone




    I still love you, Felony


    So slowly goes


    the time.

  12. Once upon a monkey,

    I had a little time.

    We'd speak in strange bananas

    as he peeled and ate a rhyme.


    "You're what," he late me asked one night,

    "a frong man, or a stool -

    or are you but the little girl

    who follows lambs to school?"


    "I'm so anfused," I conswered back.

    "My doubt is full of mind.

    I want to best the do I can

    but hard is hope to find."


    The chucky monkled. "It's all right,

    keep hollowing your feart;

    for though your fruit seems journeyless,

    you're almost to the start."


    "You mock me now!" I lied out croud.

    "A Nero I am hot!"

    "Oh, boysense, non," he scolded me.

    "That's bunch a just of rot.

    You need to just unclench your brain;

    your sphincter's in a knot!"


    "I stand I underthink!" I gasped.

    "I've been up too fartight!

    The more intense, the more I tense,

    and nothing comes out right!"


    "Ah, now you're talking sense, I sense;

    goodnight, Good Knight; goodnight."


    With that, he curled up in a ball

    and I turned out the light.

  13. Glad you liked them, Supa. Thanks for commenting.


    Margin note I'd like to make known to all readers that the second piece is strictly comic relief. The story, such as there is to speak of, is fictional; I have no bitter "FU" for anyone and least of all for my ex-kitten. She gave her best, the best I've seen, under the most trying of circumstances and stuck it out for as long as she could stand.

  14. Thank you, friends. I have another one, but I can't post another thread so soon after this one so I'll shoehorn it in here.


    Uhh, you kind of have to picture me strumming along on a guitar in order for it to make any sense. Flight of the Half-Conchords, if you will.




    I met a girl

    her name was Girl

    she made my mind

    into a whirl






    She had a dog

    his name was Cat

    that's short for Catherine

    not a thing to laugh






    And the girl named Girl got under my skin

    she overtook my life

    'til I wanted her Cat to be my gay dog

    and her to be my






    Up, down, all around, scooby dooby doo

    this verse is filler but it still sounds cool

    in, out, waterspout, give a dog a bone

    maybe I shouldn't go there



    So anyway

    it's a big heartache

    because she dumped me

    flat as a pan



    ...pans are pretty flat



    And the moral of the story

    in this one-minute song

    is really not clear

    'cause it wasn't very long



    So I hope you liked the melody

    of the tune my dark side calls







    Thank you! Goodnight!

  15. I am not writing

    these words late at night

    'cause I sleep like a baby

    and everything's sweetness and light


    I'm not hearing

    that heartbreaking song

    where the guy says, "Oh darling, I'm strong"

    and I'll get along


    The memory's painless

    when I think of your face

    which is nothing that special

    all that radiant grace... commonplace


    Do I fear for your safety?

    You know that I don't!

    Will loneliness drown me?

    I'm sure that it won't


    I have seventeen lovers

    two more in Japan

    so I hardly remember your name -

    Charlie Ann?


    No checking my email

    every hour on the hour

    and the lack of your soft words

    gives me infinite power


    Oh, I'm something not human

    my eyes are not blue

    they're not misting, they're sweating

    and for sure I'm not thinking of you


    Nothing was my fault

    my conscience is clear

    I would not beg forgiveness

    if you'd just reappear


    I'm better for losing

    and I don't need you back

    my door isn't open

    not the tiniest crack


    Such a happy and timely goodbye

    I will not, I will not cry

    cross my sore heart, hope to die

    and yes, I deny, I deny

    this poem's a wonderful lie

  16. Better that every fiber crack

    and fury make head,

    blood drenching vivid

    couch, carpet, floor

    and the snake-figured almanac

    vouching you are

    a million green counties from here,


    than to sit mute, twitching so

    under * * * * * ling stars,

    with stare, with curse

    blackening the time

    goodbyes were said, trains let go,

    and I, great magnanimous fool, thus wrenched from

    my one kingdom.

  17. Mother England, take me back


    And cradle me to stay


    As I've been gone four hundred years


    Four thousand miles away



    I cannot claim to know your face


    The memory's so dim


    But this true heart will leap to feel


    The arms that take me in



    Mother, Mother, though I'm a wanderer


    You wouldn't be left alone


    I ne'er forgot the way I was brought


    The way that would point back home


    I'm known to stand in New England's sand


    To reminisce dolefully


    And o'er the breeze that travels the sea


    To sail a son's kisses to thee



    At night the moon comes from the east


    Reflecting your sweet eyes


    And gentle voice that sings me rhymes


    And ancient lullabies



    For am I not that little black sheep


    Who'd sacrifice his wool


    That you could weave a blanket so warm


    Around us both to pull



    Mother, Mother, though I'm a wanderer


    You wouldn't be left alone


    I ne'er forgot the way I was brought


    The way that would point back home


    A few days more I'll linger afar


    But solemnly I decree


    One evening soon I'll saddle that moon


    And ride it on back to thee



    Dearest Mother, I will be back


    To cradle you and to stay


    No hundreds of years, no thousands of miles


    Can weather our love away

  18. Baby... fight. Fight for what's rightfully yours.


    For the donut cake.

    For the satin and lace.

    For the platinum.

    For sand in your shoes as jellyfish look on powerlessly from the surf.

    For colorful arcs accross bathroom walls.

    For colorful arcs accross the sky.

    For cuddlathons.

    For Graduation Day.

    For Braces In The Bin Day.

    For Weedabix and Ricycles (sp?)

    For the Legoton Constabulary construction project.

    For the grand opening of Club Angeles.

    For Fudgie II.

    For your ear pressed against a thumping heart.

    For x and nom

    For can't-help-but-grin tuckiefests.

    To be watched over as you sleep.

    To wake to jammy sammies.

    For mornies eye wipes on an occupied Bad Religion t-shirt (size XL).

    To rub it in their effing cretinous gobs.

    To blaze a trail through Hell for Broski and Soapy McShroombulb.

    For the Hello Kitty Room (spooning optional).

    For a duvet tent.

    For a lap as a pillow and "Merry Christmas, Mr. Bean".

    For birthday presents under the tree.

    For the turkey baster (or equivalent thereof).

    For happy tears as she's laid in your tired arms.

    For sauteed placenta Alfredo (all yours, btw).

    To powder an ickle baby bum.

    To smell that silken baby hair.

    To smell those poo-laden nappies (size S).

    To smell those poo-laden nappies (size XL).

    To shop at Rugrat Gap.

    For the first day of school.

    For crayon art and fridge magnets.

    For nursery rhymes.

    For songs yet unwritten.

    For "Blood & Kisses: The Rock Opera".

    For Disneyland.

    For Burning Man.

    For unexpected floral bouquets.

    For a pram to roll through the park.

    For a hand to hold through the dark.

    For bone-melting backrubs on demand.

    For a tray of chicken soup and toast when you're sick in bed.

    For piggyback rides and similar undignified fun when you're up and around.

    For a pair of eyes that can see no other but you.

    For a scrapbook chockablock with sparkling memories.

    And for a million things more.


    Don't you give up on life now, dammit. Not with all this awaiting. Fight.


    I believe in you, Kittenfish. I do, I do, I do.

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