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Posts posted by esant

  1. well my boyfriend and i were together for 7 months.. we did argue over some stupid things but who doesnt ever have an argument? anyways, he made me really mad the one day and i left and told him it was over. I instantly regretted it..we talked the next day and he decided that he needed some time to figure things out. he kept saying he wanted to talk to me like normal online and that he thinks it will better out relationship in the future. we said that we were not goin to see other people. he has im'ed me a few times and it seemed like quite a few of them were just false hope that he wanted to reconcile. it seems like recently he will instant message me if i dont talk to him every couple of days. I dont know what he is doing because he doesnt ever want to talk about the relationship.


    An example of why i think he's playing mind games is.. if i put up an away msg that i am out looking for apartments or something.. then the next day he im'ed me and asked me where i was moving to.. He also keeps asking me if I was accepted to the law school here or not... Then he'll put up away msgs quoting songs like Mary J Blige Rainy Dayz...


    he is out running around with his friends and drinking every night. i asked him if it was time that i just gave up on trying to fix it and he said he didnt know what to tell me.. soo what do i do? should i just start no contact and save myself from being heartbroken any further? i really want it to work because i do love him but i can't keep sitting here setting myself up for disappointment. I dont know if he is confused or if he just trying to keep me around as an option. It just seems like he's reading my away messages and stuff and then he'll ask me things about them but he doesnt want to try to be with me. I just need some advice on where to go from here...


    I forgot to add that we haven't seen each other since April 6th.. haven't really had much of a real discussion since the sunday after that..aside from a hi whats up type of thing..

  2. I tried to make a compromse in regards to the hockey tho. He expects me to go both sat and sun and enjoy it.. but then the next weekend when he doesnt have hockey he doesnt really want to do what i want to do. He makes me choose between seeing him and going to hockey or not seeing him at all. I dont want him to pick me or hockey because that isnt right to ask that of someone. I tried to tell him I think we need to sit down together and discuss everything that we are arguing over and either find a resolution or realize it isnt going to work. He said he doesnt want to do that right now

  3. I dont know.. that's a good question. But he only wants to talk to me online and not actually hang out or do anything.. I guess I'm just confused what I should do and how to react.. I Just keep thinking that even tho he says he loves me and wants it to work that break is going to lead to breakup.. I dont want to string myself along to be disappointed

  4. I just came accross this board and have learned a lot from reading the past threads. My boyfriend and I of 7 months recently got into a huge fight because I felt he was putting me second to hockey. We've fought over it before but never to the point we have this time. I have to admit that I am going through a lot myself with applying to law school and my uncle being killed. It seemed that he didnt really want to be there for me when I needed him because he always wanted to go to hockey. I think we both needed to compromise more on the hockey issue but I blew it out of proportion. I'll admit it, I messed it up. Anyways, thurs I left and told him it was over in the heat of the moment. I talked to him on Friday and he said he wanted to take a break, not see other people, but to figure out how to make things work.


    I was upset and agreed to that which I am not sure if it was a good idea or not. Saturday comes around and he tries to IM me like we are totally cool. I ignored him and I think it started to get to him because at the end of the night he sent me along IM about his day and txted me goodnight. I made the mistake of talking to him on Sunday. (Should have continued the NC, it seemed easier). We talked pretty much throughout the day on IM and I told him that I felt if we were taking a break that we probably shouldnt talk. Then he brought up that we should look for an apartment still. That conversation progressed a little further then I realized I was just setting myself up for heart. He kept telling me that wasn't what he wanted and he didnt understand why we couldn't just talk normally to each other. He said he still wants to be with me and loves me but needs to figure out how to make it work. He said that I need to work some things out, which I admit I do. I need to work on being more open and discussing issues rather then fighting over them. He said he still needed times to think about things and that I need more then a day to figure anything out for myself. It sort of turned into an argument after that because I brought up the no contact then. He seems hurt and upset taht I cannot continue to just talk to him. I can't do that tho because I feel like I'm giving him his cake and eating it to. I feel lie because he wanted the serious relationship and now he's playing games that I should take it away. I dont know if that's right or not.


    So I haven't talked to him since Sunday.. I know, that is not very long.. It really hurts and I miss him very much. I see him online but he hasn't tried to talk to me. I know first hand that he has asked his friends what he should do. Whether we should try it again or he should just end it. Most of them told him to end it because I am not worth the hassle. That makes me feel like I'm fighting an uphill battle because the friends dont really want me around. They dont like him being with me because I took one of hte boys away and they dont go drinking with him everynight now. Do I end it completely or give him some time? Should I just continue with the no contact? I would love for him to see that I am trying to change because I really am. Im the first to admit that I need to change but I cant do it overnight obviously. Just looking for some guidance or advice from people who have been in my position.

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