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Posts posted by erosadviceman

  1. haha wow thats such a long post. Ok, If you really want her back then what you have to do is get her to remember what it felt like when she first started liking you. How were you back then? You have to take that same attitute and act that way now, dont be mean to her, dont be overly nice, dont try to resolve things and talk about your problems, it WONT WORK. Just be yourself, be happy and confident and she'll start liking you again, once she comes back to you you can work things out together.

  2. Quote:

    - Always control the relationship


    I disagree. No one likes someone controling them. Do this for to long and the girl goes bye bye or cheats.


    It's not about controlling her, it's about being in control of the direction and events of the relationship without being bossy.


    I agree as it shows signs of weakness, but being overly nice can be a good thing or a bad thing depending on how, why, and when it is done. For example doing vounleteer work because you want even tho you know that the type of vounleteer work will get you high scores with females.


    I think he was reffering to overly nice to the girl. You're right here, the example you showed is attractive, but that's about showing concern for others, an AMOG characteristic, being overly nice to a woman you're trying to pick up will ruin your chances.


    I am na and ya on this. There are ligit reasons to cancelling dates, and having rude behvior. Now tolerting rude behavior and having dates cancelled for long peroids of time is somthing else. But the one time ordeal isn't much of a fault and it is just apart of life.


    In order to stay in control of the relationship you need to not encourage poor behaviour. If you tolerate her being rude to you or cancelling on you for poor reasons, you send the message that this is ok.


    I don't take the sexually confident route, I don't need to. I am who am no less no more. If a girl does not like what she sees then I move on to the next one, as they say there are plenty of fish in the sea.


    That is confidence , I think 'sexual' confidence was the wrong word for camguy to use, confidence is extremely attractive to girls however.

  3. Well now were just talking about the age old question of whether destiny exists or whether you create your own destiny. Personally I believe the latter, but either way, if you go out and have fun, whether you meet a person and 'evolve' into a relationship or destiny brings you together, you will eventually meet that person. Whether events are pre-destined or not doesnt matter, because either way we all have an obligation to fullfill our personal destinies. Being confident with yourself will make it that much easier and let you have fun along the way.

  4. So have you chosen the ideal woman to mate with as an alpha male and produce genetically excellent offspring?


    You cant take those terms seriously on a scientific basis, its just a different way to treat yourself and different attitude to posess while in the field, and it really helps. Personally I used to have very little success with women, from grade 9 till the almost the end of highschool I only had one girlfriend. This was because I was nervous, shy, not very confident in myself etc, it was only after going through the teachings by a pick up artist known as 'dommeh' that all this completely changed (now EROS ENTERPRISE), in fact turned out I was amazing at picking up women, I have even pioneered some of my own methods, for example I discovered a variation of 'soul gazing' that enables you to pick up women without even saying one word, I have even wrote my own e-books for EROS. So you can make fun of it if you want, but the fact is it works, and it works well..


    ...I just need to start practicing it. lol


    practising is so key

  5. wow a lot to respond to, ok for this point:


    'Aren't afraid of being who they are'


    You have that, yet most of the others contradict that.




    It's true it may seem that way, however one thing I teach is congruency, which means learning how to act to demonstrate those attractive qualities, not by pretending to be someone your not, but by bringing out those qualities within yourself. For example, lack of confidence is not an inherent part of ones personality, everyone has the ability to gain self confidence and to show it, some just need to learn how.


    Here's the problem with this list: it assumes that all women are the same and act and react in the same way.


    But they aren't the same.


    True in some ways, but not in others. Women have different likes and dislikes, turn ons and turn offs, but only if you look at it the way your accustomed too, when it get's down to it all women are looking for the same thing, if you want to take it down to a scientific level - a good mate that can provide for her, but lets take it up from there to where it's useful information. Let me get a little detailed here..There's something we at eros call means values and ends values. The means values is what the woman says she wants in a man and these are different for all women, for example some means values are: Tall men, Muscular men, Funny, Confident, etc. These are what she THINKS she was, but you don't need these to satisfy her..what you need are ends values, it's what these means values make her FEEL. Why does she want a tall man? Well once again DNs right, different women will have different reasons, maybe for one woman it makes her feel safe and protected.. this is what she wants, if you can make her feel this it doesn't matter if youre tall. She just sees a tall man and is attracted to him but doesnt understand why, thats your job!


    Sorry if I'm slow, but what does AMOG stand for?


    Sorry I should have explained that in my previous posting, AMOG stands for alpha male of the group. Its a pick-up artist term. AMOG characteristics are characteristics you can demonstrate that you possess in different ways to awoman that creates instant attraction. There are 6 main ones.


    2 rules of life:

    1 - don't tell people everything you know

    2- ...

  6. Sure you may possess those qualities, but do girls know that? Do you convey those qualities when you interact with girls? My guess is probably not. My advice to you would be to get out and involved in the social scene and spend a weekend approaching women, just set up a goal number like 50 and approach 50 women over that weekend. It doesn't matter if nothing happens with any of them, the point is to make yourself more confident in doing so and making it EASY for you to do so, then when you see a girl you want to talk to, you can just walk up to her and talk to her which actually SHOWS you have confidence. Dominant does mean controlling her, it just means having control, directing the flow of things, taking control when you need to, without being bossy or arrogant. It means not being intimidated by other guys or by your social surroundings. I think you're on the right track and it's glad to see your not just trying to get laid. Final point, if you go out looking for a soul mate, it's going to very hard to find one, if you go out just looking to have fun and meet new people, you will be way more likely to cross paths with that person you can love and spend your life with.

  7. You don't need money and a nice car to portray that you have self worth. If you have confidence in yourself, and develop all the AMOG qualities, you will have something to trade, because you will be attracted to girls. Girls are not as attracted to looks as guys are, sure looks are important in the game of attraction on both ends, but far less important for guys to have. Girls would rather have a confident, funny, sensative, dominant, guy who takes care of himself even if he isnt genetically gifted, she will be attracted to him anyway because of these characteristics. Trust me, I've seen this happen over and over again with my students. I've seen some of the most unfortunate guys pick up 10's just because they change the way they think about themselves, the attitutes and methods they approach with. Be yourself, but be confident in yourself too.

  8. Yes, you're right, women love confidence, among with many other characteristics, we call these AMOG characteristics in the PUA (Pick-up artist) world. Some more of those characterisics are:


    Humour: used with confidence makes it so that girls dont just see you as a cocky guy, if your cocky and funny, they cancel eachother out on negative aspects (jerks, clowns) but compliment eachother on positive aspects (Funny, kind, confident).


    Concern for others: Girls like a guy who is sensative and has a genuine concern for others. This doesn't mean clamoring all over her or being overly nice towards her, but rather things like holding the door, helping someone out of the goodness of your heart for whatever reason, etc.


    Dominance – Not being intimidated by other guys, indirectly intimidating other guys without appearing violent or threatening. Being in control, but not being bossy.


    Self-Grooming – This means being well dressed, fixing your hair, smelling good, having clean teeth, basically taking care of yourself..


    btw camguy is totally on the right track, good advice.


    Good luck!

  9. Actually this type of method is perfectly natural and extremely effective, just knowing how to deal with girls and how they think is extremely beneficial. U personally use a similar style of handling women as 'speedseduction' that was referred to, and have enormous success (called eros). Whatever you do don't wait, the longer you wait the less chance you'll have of getting what you want. I do agree with raising your confidence and enjoying everyday life, in fact, that's the very first and probably most important part of the eros stuff I was reffering too.

  10. to kyoshio ogari, just approaching a beautiful woman won't make her think you only want to sleep with her, it depends HOW you approach her. You will have more success approaching her right away and showing confidence than hanging around and hoping for the best, trust me

  11. Just a tidbit of information, a recent company research product revealed "sense of humor and confidence" as the top two attractive qualities, both having to do with personality and not look. "handsome face" was the top of the list for looks, ranking at #3 and the next one, muscular body, ranked at #7. So statistics show that a guy who can make a girl laugh wins agaisnt a good looking guy who cant.

  12. Conversations can be tricky. The main thing not to do is to ask normal boring questions. Steer away from the basic, "so what do you do, what are your hobbies" you need to be interesting. Ask her questions that make her think, that get her to feel certain feelings, and then anchor those feelings to yourself using NLP to build huuge attraction and lust. Also, in the underground society of PUAs (professional pick-up artists) there's something called routines used for this very situation. These are rehearsed stories and patterns that are designed to evoke certain responses and demonstrate certain AMOG qualities about yourself, these are included in the EROS FFF system.. very, very powerful stuff.


    On a side note, getting a girl to laugh in a conversation is so key, if you ever resort to using a corny pick-up line, make sure it's atleast funny (though i would never reccomend anyone uses pick-up lines).


    Good line:



    her: what!?

    you: sorry, i just wanted to say something that would break the ice

  13. While I'm not going to say attraction doesnt have anything to do with looks, attracting girl's doesnt have as much to do with looks as you think. I'm not going to go into depth about psycological reasons for this, but there are 7 main characteristics that females naturally seek in a mate, and these are called AMOG characteristics (alpha-male of the group). If you demonstrate these, you can and will get girls attracted to you. Also, don't worry about your natural looks, if you take good care of yourself this is very attractive to women. Good hygiene, well dressed, clean, working out - will raise your appeal. A guy who's a 6/10 naturally and takes care of himself to make himself a 7/10 is MORE attractive to a girl than a guy who is just naturally a 7/10 but doesn't take care of himself. By understanding the way social interactions work, concepts about social proof, dmv and amog characteristics and the mechanics of approaching, attracting and seducing women from the FFF system, ANY guy can get a beautiful girl, you just need to know how, guaranteed.

  14. sounds like you could really benefit from EROS as you asked very specific questions we worked hard on researching and answering. so here goes:

    1. Our research has shown the most common mistakes guys make when approaching women is being too obvious with intentions. The way to approach a woman to guarantee success differentiates based on the environment your in and the attractiveness of your target. If we're talking about really hot women, you're going to want to use negs. Don't walk up to her and say something, maybe open to her friend (it'll be easier because you're not interested in her friend, and it'll throw her off). remember, hot women are used to guys clamoring all over them, she's used to guys buying her drinks, this isn't the way to win her over. You need to differentiate yourself, get her curious and wanting you. When you open to her friend you throw her off because she's wondering why you're not talking to her. Then to include her in the conversation (don't ever be rude or disrespectful she will just hate you though), neg her, the hotter she is the more negs you can use. This will get her instantly attracted to you and hitting on you! She will be trying to get your attention, then you can just follow the FFF system from there..

    2. A Man in a bar would not want to let a woman know he finds her attractive, you would be ruining your game. You're going to want to talk to her by doing a good approach and following the mechanics of the system. Get her telling you that you're attractive.

    3. She will not encourage you, she guys lose out. You need to overcome your shyness. Confidence is among the top 3 most attractive male characteristic and is also an AMOG characteristic. By displaying all the AMOG characteristics you can get a girl to be irresistible attracted to you. A good rule to follow when picking up women is the 'immediate rule' of the FFF system. This means you do everything IMMEDIATELY, you see a girl you want to talk to, don't sit there and stare, immediately approach her. If you think too much you'll make yourself nervous, brake the rule, then you might just look creepy or not confident in yourself.

  15. Maybe you're just trying too hard, if he likes you, he'll come to you like he did at the movie theater if your patient. Being too persistent can turn some guys off, who like a challenge. Keep in mind he may also just be shy, but from the movie example that doesn't seem to be the case.

  16. As to what you said about not knowing to kiss her, there are several 'kiss tests' you can do, to see if she's ready to kiss you without 'putting yourself out there' so to speak. For girl's kissing can actually be a big desicion and will symbolize potential in the relationship, so you need to be aware of this, but you also can't take too long to kiss her. One simple kiss test is when your with her, reach over and stroke her hair, look into her eyes, down at her lips and back up at her eyes. If she doesn't do anything to stop you, reach further back and do it again, if she gazes into your eyes she wants to kiss you, just pull her towards you and do it. Don't think about it, just do it, girls love to be kissed if its the right guy. You can also simply say, "would you like to kiss me?" If she says yes..well your in, if she says maybe, you're still in, if she says no, then I would say 'too bad' and kiss her anyway..given you're in a romantic setting or the start of a relationship, but that's just me, if you're scared of getting the kiss rejected you could just say, "oh ok, it just looked like there was something on your mind."

  17. Ok, sounds like you're one of the many guys who have the same problem. You need to re-work your whole approach. By professing the way you feel to some girl you've only had a couple conversations with, you may be giving away too much. The next time you're intrested in a girl, open with something that has nothing to do with you picking her up, something like, "hey did you see that fight outside earlier" or w/e will start a conversation. Depending on how hot she is, use a couple 'negs,' this will get her wanting you and trying to get your attention instead of the other way around. It will make you different from all the other guys who try to 'get' her, it will make her curious about you. You can then build attraction from there..

  18. Successfully meeting and attracting people, though most won't admit it, is much like a game. You shoudn't do it to lessen the risk of being hurt, but you could lessen your chances with that person if you're too upfront and honest with intentions, if you leave nothing to wander about, it takes away the excitement. Half the fun is the chase. You can build very deep attraction by so called, 'playing hard to get' but modify it. Keep her guessing, interested and wanting a little more.

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