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Posts posted by slaying_the_wolf

  1. i don't think it's a stupid question at all i havent ever given a hicky ethier but from wut i know it is just sucking on the other persons neck it is basically making out with someones neck

  2. ok my girlfriend

    is really nice and every thing and i really like her but ilike one of her best friends and it's not like im going to dump her for her best friend cuz thats just sick but i know that her best firned like me to and she is bi on the other hand so is my girl friend but i told my girlfriend that i liked her best friend also and she was perfectly ok with it is it me or is that a little weird? and my girlfirend wants me to go out with her if we break up when she said that it surprised me. my girlfriend isn't like ne other girls i know and the funny thing is that they don't mind sharing me so it's like i have to girl friendss and that is a little creepy. my girlfriends best frind and i havent donw ne thing but my and my "ogffical" girlfriend have done a lot of stuff and i was wondering if ne 1 had ne comments to ne of this but on the other hand it is awsome having to girl friends i don't get y we r only allowed to marry 1 girl lol

  3. ok i have run accross a problem . me and my girlfriend have made out befor but that was when our friends were there and that was at a friends house and he was throughing a party. we made out on the bed while the lights were turned off and people were in there but all people we were comfortable. my girlfriend and i both want to make out again but the only chances we really have are at school and i am sorta nervous making out in front of people that i don't know. . she has no problem with makingout infront of people though and every time i am about to i sorta back out of it like m in my first period class and im thinking of making out during break and im all confident but then i think to much and get nervous and then chicken out. so basically what i am asking is is there anything i can do so i will not be so nervous and is it differnt making out while laying down than while standng up plz someone help me to marrow is the last day till spring break and she will be gone for a while

  4. i agree with kitz it's not just toung kissing o and when you do makeout i agree with kitz again you normaly want to be laying down. it is a bit different stading up but one way of making out i would not sugest is if you have ever seen spider man the movie you know how the kiss where 1 is facing down and the other up evan if you are laying down it is sorta difficult but it is fun and a new thing to try

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