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Posts posted by phosphar

  1. I'm not playing hard to get I even told her once that I liked her but then she told me she thought that was the case and then nothing happened.


    It was always more that I liked her, then I wouldn't but she'd like me, etc, etc.


    But today we did work out and it was good but I don't think there's anything there.

  2. Typically how many chances do you get with agirl?

    Like with this one girl she gave me at least 4-5 chances that at the time I didn't see for their face value and didn't take them. half of them happened one semester the other happened about 3 or 4 months later.


    It wasn't that I pissed her off or made her mad but I was just curious how many chances does a girl typically give a guy? cus it seems like I've received by far too many.


    To my next question.

    Every time she sees me she gets really excited almsot as if she hasn't seen me for years.

    Just the other week she text'd me saying that since her phone was breaking it reminded her of me since my phone once broke. I didn't reply. This was pretty much out of the blue since we didn't really talk for about 2-3 weeks. Then yesterday she calls me and asks me if I want to go work out at the gym with her. I was like umm sure. So tell me is this just her trying to be her overlyfriendly self as usual? Or am I about to blow yet another opprotunity.

  3. so yeah you guys are probably right about the friendship thing.


    She told me today that I'm a "true friend" and that "it feels so good to be my normal self around you".


    OH well right? I mean that's typically the worst sign right there.

  4. I've known this girl for about 6 months and I'm pretty sure I missed my first go at her a while back, but this time around it's a little different.


    The problem is I can't tell what her intentions are, she's so nice to everyone, so it's hard to decipher that line between flirty and her normal conversation.


    She's told me recently that she's glad that she can be her weirdself around me and that it's good because I don't think she's weird for being well weird...


    Then later she'll tell me that she's glad that she's comfortable enough around me to feel that she doesn't care if she looks like crap or has makeup.


    Last night we studied together for a long time and we did some laundry cus she had to wash a shirt but didn't want to waste the whole load so I offered to just wash some of my other stuff and she could put it in there.


    When I was reading my book I was sitting there and I read something funny and I laughed, and then she just laughed right after that.

    When she talks to me at my room she'll just listen but she'll be jumping around and tryingto grab onto the ceiling pipes.


    We went to the rec center once to work out together and she was telling me that I "motivated her" and it was good.


    I told her I'd wake her up this morning cus she doesn't wake up to her loud * * * almart so I told her I'd help her out and I did, also made her a drawing on the computer and then left before class.


    She sent me a text saying "you're so great! Thanks for waking me up like ten thousand times and for that wonderful paint thing!!"


    There are other times when we just randomly argue about the most stupid crap like which number 7 or 8 is better. That's when it's bad because her friend was like "it's like brother and sister".


    But then those random things lead into her saying "we talk about anything". So that's also bad because that's basically like saying I'm that best friend.


    There are also things where she'll tell me she help me clean my room or even the next time we go to get pizza she'll buy mine for me.


    So I just don't know, so yeah help me out if you got anything to say about it.

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