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Posts posted by honeybee

  1. I've tried a few pills. The first one made me totally depressed for months till I decided it had to be the pill and went off. Surprise surprise I was back to my happy old self within a week of changing pills. The one I'm on now however seems to affect my libido. I went off the pill for a week and was surprised how my libido came back, before then I was totally disinterested sex. Nothing and nobody could have gotten me in the mood. My boyfriend even stopped looking attractive to me for some reason but as soon as I got off that pill I was all back to normal. Something to remember about the pill is that there are an excess of hormones surging through the body. Some people say that the pill produces symptoms similar to pregnancy as these are the same hormones present in pregnancy. Don't be hard on her. Any form of medication has side effects. Maybe talk to her about changing to a different pill. It worked for me. And also tell her that sometimes you need to change to a different pill after a period of time as the affects can change over time. I hope this helps.

  2. My bf and I always put a benchmark on how much we spend. This christmas we decided on $150 each and went shopping together so that we could chose our presents. We usually end up getting one nice thing for the price we chose. We do this for birthdays too. It's pretty much 50/50 but occasionally I see something and will just have to buy it for him but he will take me to dinner and a movie to thank me and pay for everything. So yeah I'd say 50/50.

  3. When I read that they think you are akward because you are shy around them I have to say that this is exactly me too. The parents are just soooo intimidating that I just dont say anything cause anything i do say they twist around so that i look bad to my bf. I actually think, in my situation, that my bf will end up having a shocking relationship with his parents. He is already secretive around them and I know they upset him very deeply when they say horrible things about me. We talk all the time about our future and as his parents continue their manipulation they actually seem to be pushing him closer to me. We both know that they will end up losing their son with their actions. It such a nasty situation that our partners parents have created. What's worse is the embarrasment and the lack of trust which is created by our partners when they continue to make their parents happy. It makes us feel cheated. And no one else understands. They think that he is just a coward, but they don't see what we see. I know how hard it is for my bf because I have been yelled at by them once and I'm too scared to see them again. My bf lives with them and he has to deal with it every day. So I can understand why he just gives in to them. It's easier than having the fight which would blow totally out of proportion and leave him sleeping in a park. Until we can afford to move in together he will continue to give into them. I want to get my bf into counselling too but he thinks its a load of c**p and wont help. I actually think he's just too ashamed of whats going on. I guess my advise is, If you love him like i think you do, just wait it out. They will always be in your life and probably tell you that you are a bad mother and you spend too much of their sons money. You will just need to learn to stand up to them instead (as do I) and unfortuantely we both need to earn our own respect from these parents as even if our partners stood up to the folks they would still resent us for taking their little boys. O and I find supporting my bf and being there 100% seems to bring him closer to me. I shower him with praise and always make him laugh. That way I am the one doing what his mother should and making him feel confident and happy within himself. I hope this helps.

  4. This is sounding a lot like my situation. My bf's mum is a control freak who dictates everything their family does. His mum has been sooo horrible to me because im not the sort of person she wants her son to be with. He is terrified to stand up to his mum so everything she says basically goes. For the past 12 months we have been 'broken up' for the second time, at least thats what she thinks. She manipulates my bf and depresses and is down right horrible to him but because she is his mother he feels a need to trust her. I only see him once a week when he can think of a lie to tell his parents. Im not sure how old you are or if you live together but my bf and I are 21, we've been together for 5 years and we both still live at home. I'm hoping moving out next year might help! I also am near the end of my teather with the situation and will leave him if he cant stand up to her by march. At the moment he's totally shut down about it, wont discuss his family and bringing it up only pushes him away. I feel like i'm at a total dead end.

    This was my post:


  5. We are both 21. Basically the issue comes down to my family not being good enough. We only have the house we live in and 2 old second hand cars and not 3 or 4 other holiday houses plus 4 brand new very expensive european cars. I know that they look at me as not being rich enough as I have been told so by some of their family friends (who are also our family friends). Apparently she tells people that I am only with their son because he is the son of a rich doctor. If that was the case I would have left a long time ago. When his parents go away we see each other as often as we can and ill stay at his house etc. Its when they get back. They are manipulative horrible people. When ever my bf brings me up the fight is soooo bad that he has to leave. He has slept in the park before because he didnt want to upset me so I could pick him up. If he tells them he is seeing me they call him frequently till he has to turn off his phone or they will come looking for him to take him home. They really are a nightmare. Basically he cant win. He has to lie to them so that we can have peace when we do see each other. I know that he will have to move out when he tells them about us but neither of us are ready to move out yet due to other work commitments. We have spoken about maybe moving in together july next year but until then...

    I agree its hard for him to see me more because I know his parents call his friends and their parents to check if he is with them. Im not making excuses because I know what he has to put up with. I havent seen his parents since the night they abused me simply cause im too scared. Neither of us know what to do about his parents.

  6. he's told me he wants to see much more of me hes just doesn't want to confront his parents. There is much more to this story. Due to them verbally abusing me just over 12 months ago and my mum getting involved my bf and I started fighting. We broke up for a week or so but then decided we were being stupid cause we have so much fun when we are together and we thought it was stupid letting them get in the way. We decided not to tell his parents we were back together cause we knew as soon as they found out, they would be at him to break up with me again and neither of us wanted their bull. They are still under the impression that we are not together and I am in two minds as to whether i want my bf to tell them or not. We have spoken about a future together and hes told me that he sees his immediate as me and not his parents. We talk every day and he is very supportive and understanding when i crack it about his parents and our stupid situation but I don't want to seem unreasonable about being upset about spending more time together.

  7. Hi,

    I would just like to know from guys and girls their oppinion on my situation.

    Basically it's very difficult for my bf of 5 years and I to see each other. We both live at home with our parents. I however am not welcome at his house cause his parents dont like me and my bf is too scared to come to mine cause he is worried my parents will be mad at him due to his parents treating me badly. thereforeeee we only see each other once a week, usuall at friends parties. What annoys me is that he will see his guy friends every day of the week, sometimes twice a day. I feel as though he should be spending equal time with me, especially after 5 years. We have a fabulous relationship but this issue is starting to upset me and all he can say when i tell him we need to spend more time together is "its hard". I might also add that if there are no 21sts on then we'll catch up for an hour or two but usually no longer than 2 hours and then thats it till next week. He is on uni holidays for 3 months and i have holidays for 6 weeks but even with so much spare time nothings changing. What should I do. Talking just upsets him because he feels pressured to chose between me and his parents (I dont want him to do this but we both know they will never accept me)

  8. My BF did that. Basically I said to him, 'you can play games all you like but i want 5 mins of complete you and me time, complete attention and then you can divide the time between me and the games.' Fixed the problem completely. Compromise. If I find hes not keeping his end I just remind him and say 'I want my 5 mins' and that seems to work. What is it with boys and their toys! Good luck

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