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Posts posted by micky_blue_eyes

  1. Again, thanks for the advice guys!


    Zippitt... Can I just ask what the dramas and maturity issues you mentioned were? I can see that parts of her life are still... or still seem to me to be young. Part of me thinks that she is 18 in 2 months though and 18 doesn't sound so bad! Why is that!!?


    Anyways... I am well convinced that I shouldn't get involved in this but I know where you are coming from in terms of her looking older.. and pretty good too!!


    The thing is I arranged to meet her this week! I guess I should see her and tell her whats going on!


    Thanks again!

  2. Thanks mermayd,


    Everything that you said is exactly right and is what I have been thinking, it is quite difficult though. She is exactly like you say you were - looked and acted 20+. She has a great personality, and looks too... I mean I really do like her, you know that good feeling when you connect with someone, I have that!... and would love to see her again.


    I haven't got into the drama side of things yet as we aren't actually seeing eachother yet. We have only called eachother, although as I said, she wants to see me again. To be honest I would love to see her!


    Bit of a soap opera I know!

    Keep the advice coming!

  3. Hi,


    I'm a 22 year old guy who met a girl out in a bar a few weeks back. But I just found out her age...! 17! I wasn't aware that she was until I called her a few days ago - because we met in a +21 bar!


    Her age simply hadn't come up in conversation, now i've found out i'm unsure of how to proceed. She said she wanted to tell me because we were getting on so well. We had called eachother a few times and were planning to meet up again in a few days for a drink.


    She is a great girl, she looks older than 17 by far, early 20s to be honest, and, we get on so well. I do actually really like her... She's fantastic. I have been in a number of relationships with girls of a similar age to myself but this girl has got me confused!


    I was all up for meeting up with her and seenig how things progress but now am unsure! Why do I feel awkward!!?



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