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Posts posted by mary1960

  1. I was in love with this Spanish guy from work. We saw each other everyday after work for a year and a half. I also drove him and dropped him off somewhere everyday from work. He told me he loved me so much. He bought me gifts for Birthday and Christmas. He quit work one morning and before he walked out he went to see his guy friend to say goodbye and told his friend to say goodbye to me. Then I decided to look up his address and send him a card. I found out that he was married and had a kid. He never told me this. So he had this other guy call me on the phone to tell me that he said "To stay away from him". His wife was upset about the card. If I had known he was married, I wouldn't have sent a card. He doesn't have any contact with me and all I was was nice to him. I feel like I was used. Was I??" I can't understand how he can be so mean to me after we were so close at work. I did nothing but always have been nice to him. Why does he do this to me? Not want to have anything to do with me.

  2. I loved with this Spanish guy at my work. We went out for about 1 year and a half. I was so good to him. We would go out for dinner sometimes after work or hang out at the Forest Preserve everyday for a couple of hours. I did a lot for him. He always bought me gifts for my birthday and Christmas and he drew a picture for me on Valentines Day and bought me balloons. That's the day I last saw him. He came in on Wednesday to work and he left really early (apparently he quit). He told his male friend that he was leaving and thinking about going back to Mexico but he didn't call me on the phone at the office saying he quit. I didn't find out until I asked his friend. In the meantime, I was waiting in the office parking lot for him for 45 minutes that day not knowing that he quit. He always said he didn't have a telephone at home. He used to call me every Sunday morning from a pay phone but now that stopped. He just never said goodbye to me. I feel very hurt because I really and truly loved him. Did he not tell me because he thought I would cry??? In which I am emotional?? Is that why?? Are guys easier for him to tell rather than me (female)??

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