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Posts posted by AnotherBrokenDoll

  1. And I have to wonder,

    After all the days and nights that are behind us,

    The seconds that turned into months;

    Even years have now passed.

    Yet here I am.

    My hands trembling,

    Just as they always do.

    My eyes - they struggle to meet yours.

    For every moment they glance upon you,

    My mind;

    It takes me to the darkest of my dreams.

    The night terrors,

    They still awaken me.

    At 2 o'clock when the skies are as black as my broken heart,

    My body forcing me to choose:

    Fight or flight.

    Natural instinct.

    Do I stay? Do I run?

    Do I risk it all for your arms around me,

    Do I leave for the sake of my own sanity.

    Lonliness may be my only comfort,

    When the touch of a man is more terrifying,

    Than the knowledge that i may never know love.

    The realisation sets in.

    I may never know love.

  2. I can't see anyone else getting anything out of this. Its my own story. But i thought i would share anyway.



    Memories consume my mind,

    An aged soul,

    A bothered spirit.


    Anxiety of loneliness,

    Of forsaken abilities,

    Forgotten fate.


    The rhythmic beats,

    Of an empty heart,

    With too much love.


    With no radiance through humanity,

    No chance to share a beat,

    No sense of time.


    Silently she captivates,

    An audience,

    Of the broken.


    Satans turn,

    To be angelic,

    To encourage freedom.


    The tortured souls,

    Lose their sanity,

    Freedom became free falling.


    A lost race,

    To the unkindness,

    Of despicable cruelty.

  3. I used to be a fool,

    Thought guarding my soul,

    With naught but a single row of thorns,

    The only way to live.


    I would waste away days, months, years,

    Convincing myself that love,

    It did not exist.


    That only those weak at heart,

    Proclaimed sharing their lives,

    The only way to know happiness.


    I believed myself strongest alone,

    independent, self assured.

    I believed myself to need not others,

    For to rely on another human being,

    Is nothing more or less of an action,

    Of those with a fragile heart.


    My heart, i believed it beat simply for myself,

    Now however i realise,

    The only fools, are those who believe,

    That love does not exist.


    Even in your darkest moments,

    Where anger, disloyalty, frustration, saddness, tears, depression,

    Become your tragic story.


    I dare you,

    Take a look around you,

    Just for a moment..


    You will see,

    Love? It is everywhere.


    Those who surround you,

    They love you.


    Even if they use not their words,

    Even if they use not their actions,

    Even if they use not their thoughts,

    They love you.


    I love you.


    Listen to these words,

    Believe all that i say,

    To you, i would not mutter a lonesome lie.


    I love you.

  4. I can't seem to get the thoughts in my head onto paper. This is what happens when you somewhat force yourself to write. Its not very creative, and the lines are far too long and wordy. But i guess it means something to me, so i'd thought i'd put it up anyway.




    And it seems,

    I've always been a little different,

    A little excluded from the surrounding world.


    I've felt the pain of death,

    The longing of unrequited love,

    The warmth of true joy.


    I've soared above the clouds,

    I've reached the melten rock of the earth.

    I've seen life from both sides.


    I am naught but that which encages me.

    Sickness, health, despair, laughter,

    Wellness and situations define me.


    I sway like a tree branch in a strom,

    Yet i am stable and steady as an aged stone,

    I do not sway in times of need.


    I am steady

    I am the shelter through the rainfall,

    I am that which shall not age, that which shall not stumble.






    Yet it times of lonliness.

    I waver.

    I snap like the tree branch with the pressure of a footprint.


    I am a puzzle, the pieces sprayed accross the room,

    Some pieces misplaced,

    Lost forever? It is an option.


    You own the copyright to my puzzle,

    You may allow these pieces to be recreated,

    I belong to you.


    You hear me?

    I belong to you.

    Treat me as you will.

  5. Well its been a long time since i've read the poems in this section, and i was just looking a titles and seeing which ones interested me. When i saw you had written this one i had to read it, because i remembered the others i used to read of yours and how much i really enjoyed reading them. So that in itself is a compliment for you.


    I like poetry that reflects the way this one did. Looking over what used to be important, and the way it changes. So, i really liked this one

  6. I haven't got a name, so feel free to give suggestions. Its kind of just something that rattled around in my head for a while.




    I've held you hand too many times.

    I've been with tears,

    falling straight from my eyes.

    I've stood where you're standing.


    Those shoes, i swear i've seen them before.

    Upon my feet,

    they were there to view the fall.


    Your heart, it beats within my chest.

    I feel its warmth,

    its strength,

    its love,

    its loss..


    I feel, you feel. We feel.


    I would risk my own warmth,

    my own steady heartbeat,

    to feel your warmth.


    I would give such a simply gift,

    of my last breath,

    to know your heart would never cease to beat.


    I feel, you feel. We feel.

    I see, you see. We see.


    Yet your blindness could tear holes in flesh.

    For your sight is clouded.

    You see naught but what surrounds you.

    Your vision lacks the depth of the ocean floors,

    does this mean they do not exist?


    Ponder my dear, on what must exist.

    Do not waste your eyes on sight.

    Put them to use, my love.

    View that which is unviewable.

    Love that which is unloveable.

    Reach for the unattainable.

    You shall then find no need for disappointment.

  7. I'm aware its not a masterpeice. I'm also aware it doesn't really flow correctly. It was more just random thoughts. But i thought i would share it anyway


    You were my safety net,

    when all was lost,

    you caught me.


    You were the shelter through the thunderstorm,

    you were the beauty through the lightening,

    you were everything to me.


    And now that i see you,

    for what you truly are,

    i'm broken, i'm afraid.


    And now that i hear,

    the words that were once mute,

    i feel it, the danger.


    It surrounds me.

    Don't let it get me,

    please, i'm tortured.


    I can't forget the pain,

    the endless hurt.


    I can't resist the only way,

    i know will make it fade,

    make it fade away.


    And i'm sorry,

    i know i will forever be lost.


    With you, without you,

    its become all the same.


    You were my safety net,

    when all was lost,

    you caught me.

  8. Beautiful and touching.


    I love to come onto this section to just read sometimes. Its nice when you can find some peices that just speak to you, you know the feeling?


    I find that your writings always touch hearts. That at least someone always gets something extra from what your work. Often more then just the one person too. So thankyou not only for sharing this beautiful poem, but for all the times you hit too close to home.

    • Like 1
  9. This is a simple story,

    A broken heart,

    A single tear,

    A short love letter,

    The end what was good,

    The start of never again.


    This is the day it all falls apart,

    & this is the day that we all knew was bound to be the last.

    Because this day,

    This day,

    Caused nothing but pain.


    And I heard your thoughts,

    I saw your memories,

    Its like they were a movie screen

    All played out for me to see

    The pain caused by humanity.

    What else could be seen?


    This is the day it all falls apart,

    & this is the day that we all knew was bound to be the last.

    Because this day,

    This day,

    Caused nothing but pain


    You were my guide,

    You were my light,

    You were the only one that eased the fight,

    And all I ever felt before

    Was the frost from early winter

    You were shelter through the storm

    But now the lightening hits.


    This is the day it all falls apart,

    & this is the day that we all knew was bound to be the last.

    Because this day,

    This day,

    Caused nothing but pain


    This day,

    This day,

    Was bound to be the last.

  10. Hey, I posted this in my journal but i thought i'd see what you guys thought here too.Constructive comments would be lovelyyyy.


    Mods if i cant have it in both places i'm sorry, i'll delete it from my journal, i wasn't sure if journals counted as posting it twice.


    It Never Made It Right


    So in this place that i call home,

    I've learnt alot,

    Of love and war.

    And in this place of family trees,

    I've made my way,

    Through all the seas.


    Because just because we want it,

    Doesn't make it right,

    And sometimes you think you've lost it,

    When you never held it tight.

    Does that make it right, (does that make it right).

    It never made it right.


    I heard your words,

    They're still echoing in my memories,

    Of good and bad and in-betweens,

    I wonder if your words and eyes tell the same truth,

    Because at times, (at times)

    They seem to collide, To divide.


    Because just because we want it,

    Doesn't make it right,

    And sometimes you think you've lost it,

    When you never held it tight.

    Does that make it right, (does that make it right).

    It never made it right.


    Perhaps the story lies beneath,

    In the shadows,

    Of the trees,

    Perhaps the clutter of thoughts,

    The noises of the mind,

    Comes between the truth and I. (Between the truth and I)


    Because just because we want it,

    Doesn't make it right,

    And sometimes you think you've lost it,

    When you never held it tight.

    Does that make it right, (does that make it right).

    It never made it right.


    And sometimes you think you've lost it, (you think you lost it),

    When you never held it tight.


    Does that make it right?

    When you never held it tight.

    It never made it right.

    It never made it right.

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