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Posts posted by trk

  1. I wake some mornings and smile and jump right up and take life by the horns, but since I have left Courtney, I cant seem to find that zest for life anymore, I write letters to her but I do not send them because, she does not want to hear from me, she is trying to get over me, and I can understand that. But she calms my storm when I talk to her. I call her mom just to be close to her. I just seem to always to the wrong things, with the people I love. I think I really need to end this pain, I cannot take it anylonger, I get the pills out and just look at them. I am scared that one day I am not going to put them up. Please help me, every day I am getting weaker and cant seem to find happiness anylonger. Please tell what I should do. Dying in Lousiana.

  2. My story is very difficult to explain, but I know I need help in dealing with it. MY wife and I separated Aug 04, 2002, I met another girl on 17 Aug, 2002, I fell in love with this girl, I am in the Military, I lived with this girl for six months before I had to leave for a Military school in S.C. We were supposed to go our separate ways, I was going to try and work things out with my wife and kids. But when I left I could not stop talking to Courtney, the other girl, we talked and we agreed to have a relationship, she came out to see me in January, I asked her to marry me, She agreed, I was very happy, proud, excited, I loved this girl. Well she left and I went to see her the next month, we loved being with each other. Well I went back to school and gratuated in March, went to Louisana, for my next job, Courtney came down to see me, we had discussed the move, and she agreed to move with me. She quit her job and every thing. She came down and it would have been her first time away from her family, and friends in her life. She told me she couldnt do it, so we discussed it and she changed her mind about moving and said she would, so were going around looking for a place to live, nothing was going right, so we decided to go back to her house and look on the internet for a place to live. On our way home she changed her mind again, we had a big argument, that lasted about three hours, we finally worked things out. We get to her house, and we are fine for three days and on sunday morning the day before I was supposed to go back to Louisana, she tells me she cant go she would not be happy and that she cant leave her family. I tell her I cant keep doing this with her, my divorce would be final in nine days. I was leaving she had better stop me before I left the house, if she did not it was over for good. She did nothing, I thought it was over, I called my wife and told her I wanted to be togehter for the Kids, she agreed, Courtney calls and I tell her it is to late, but I do love her and cant stay away from her, so she comes and sees me in Louisana again, one last time to say goodbye. that was March 29, 2003. The last time I saw her, we said our final goodbyes on the phone April 22, 2003, it was the hardest thing I have ever had to do. I truly love this girl, but I cant hurt my Kids again, they are so excited about being with both thier parents again. What should I do, all I think about is this girl, and our lives together, and how much I miss her and if she is with another guy now or what, the thought of that makes me sick. Please help me I am very depressed over this.

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