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Posts posted by da12kan6el

  1. I don't ask him out because it's just not my style to do so. I'm not the aggressive types. I am willing to take the time to get to know him more, we do talk here and there, and each time that we do talk, I pick up some new things about him.


    I have caught him give me some glances, every once in a while. One time, I was just sitting down and I was on the phone and I was just looking around and I caught him looking my direction and when I looked at him, he quickly looked away. It was a cute moment-how he looked like.


    I will "try" not to be rude anymore and show more interest, but not too much. I wouldn't want to be giving off mixed signals.


    Ok another question, what would this seem like. For example, I tease him in a light way. Like maybe tell him the things he has said to me, if it is the right moment. Like, "Why are you playing hard to get for?" or, "I know you're happy when you see me" or what not. It wouldn't really mean that I'm conceited, or anything right.


    I don't remember if I mentioned this before, when I find out a guy (even a guy I like) likes me back, I lose interest most especially if he and I barely even know each other. I guess, I don't really want to know if he truly does like me. And besides, if he does, he wouldn't need to tell me. He'd just show me. Action speaks louder than words-at least that's what I believe in.

  2. Hahaha no it isn't my real name. LOL.


    Ok, so how should I act like without being obvious that I have a crush on him. How do I subtly show him. I know I should just act myself, but I want him to get some subtle hints..I'm usually mean to him-I cut him off, ignore him. Would he think I'm not at all interested in him?

  3. Okay I have a crush on this guy. I'm not sure if he feels the same way. I don't want to just ask him straight up how he feels towards me.


    He would purposely bump into me and would say "Oh sorry I didn't see you." He would have some kind of physical contact with me such as poking, pinching, tapping. He would come up to me and start talking to me and sometimes he wouldn't even have anything to say to me. I have asked him a couple of times why he does those things to me, and he wouldn't answer me.


    Just recently, him and I were talking and then this other guy comes up to us. Then he goes on to talk to him and says, "Why are you trying to hit her up for? You know I saw her first." Then the guy I have a crush on didn't comment on what he said. It makes me wonder what they are up to. There was this one incident when the guy I have a crush on dropped some papers on the floor, and that same guy says to me, "See, you make him nervous." Again, the guy I have a crush on doesn't say anything in reply to that.



    I need, preferably, a guy's perspective on this. Also, what does a guy usually do or how does he usually act around a girl he likes or is interested in? I'm not good at picking up signs. Thanks in advance.

  4. Mun, I wouldn't have the nerves to ask him. That's just not me. I don't think I would give him my # either unless he asks for it.


    Lonelyinasmalltown, this has been going on for about two months. I also don't think I would tell him that I like him-I don't have the guts to do so.


    What are ways that I can show him that I like him, rather than telling him straight up that I do like him? So that, he would get the hint that I like him.

  5. Ok I'll stop being rude to him. I guess I just don't want him to find out that I like him yet. I guess one could say that I enjoy what is going on-the thrill of the unknown-not knowing whether he likes me or not. I tend to be the type of person that when I know right away the guy likes me like when they tell me straight up right away, I lose interest in them. I'd be thinking, "Ok he likes me when he doesn't even know me as a person." What I would like is to really get to know him very well. I like the fact that he is playful-he acts childish (the poking, bumping into me on purpose). Yes, I do really like him.


    By the way he has told me before that when he likes a girl, he tends to get shy. Such as he cannot call her. So it doesn't seem like he is gutsy to make a move. thereforeeee in the past, he has gone out with aggressive girls. It doesn't seem that's what he wants though. So I advised him to learn how to court a girl and to really get to know her.

  6. There is this guy I like. I doubt he knows that I like him but then again I'm not sure though. Are guys good at picking up hints when a girl likes them? Sometimes, he would make comments like, "Why do you have to play hard to get?" or one time I asked him to show me something and he said "You just want me to touch you." or another time I asked about his schedule and he says, "That's why you go at this time huh?" Do these kind of remarks mean that he knows I like him? When he said those, I would tell him "Whatever." "You wish." Ohh one time he even said, "I bet you're happy whenever I come near you." Then also he would say something like, "You again? I'm so sick of seeing you."


    This guy not only would say these, he would also have some kind of physical contact with me-like poking, bumping into me, would almost all the time come up to me to talk to me-to make fun of me-etc. I would sometimes be rude to him. Like if he comes up to me, he would ask me what's up and I would just ignore him. He'd always ask me how my weekend was and what I did. One time I told him I went to go see a movie and he asked who I saw a movie with. He asked, "Is it a guy?" Then goes on to make a comment like, "I haven't seen a movie for a long time."


    Then sometimes, he would try to surprise me such as coming up from behind me and make me jump lol.

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