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Posts posted by deadman111

  1. I know exactly how you feel. losing my grandpa was very tough on me because he practically raised me. at that time i thought that id be a wreck forever, but he did teach me one thing. he told me that as long as i remember him, then hes not really gone. like i said i know its tough, and im not saying this will happen, but attend his funeral to pay your respects and says your farewells, then stay around family and loved ones for support. i know it wont be easy and ive been where you are, but i PROMISE it will pass!


    good luck


    Jason---Senior Airman in the United States Air Force


    ps-dont think my screen name has anything to do with this reply to your situation, im an Undertaker fan from the WWE nothing more

  2. I'm a little new at this so here it goes. About 6 months ago I was in a relationship with a girl for about a year and we were very much in love. There were very few problems and I was never happier. We made a promise at the beginning that we would always be honest with each other and swore to it.


    After about a year she finally told me that she had an 18 month old daughter which she cleverly hid from me. I was devistated to say the least and tried to handle the problem. Then after a week or so I got to thinking that if she were able to lie about something as major as that, the God only knows what else shes hiding. I made the decision to leave her and have had much contempt for her and I made that point very clear to her. Right when I think I put the entire situation behind me, she writes me or calls me trying to be my friend and ask for my forgiveness (even though she found another boyfriend a couple days after I left her AND told him everything including her child)


    I do my best to ignore it but I can't stop hating her deep inside. Maybe I'm being childish about it all but I was devestated to say the least. Any tip on how to forget about the entire thing or a new strategy would be greatly appreciated cause I can't go on like this. Thanks for listening!

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