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Posts posted by viola13

  1. it sounds like you know what you want, but are maybe scared to go after it? you say you live at home, and feel like a mooch- if you have the financial means, why not move out? you said you feel like a fake- i havent met one person in my life who isn't faking something. you need to be real with yourself before you can be real with anyone else. i'm in my 20's too, and feel lost a lot... i think everyone feels lost at times.

    this may sound elementary, but make a list of things you want to achieve or change, and possible ways to obtain them. getting it on paper can clarify things, and get it out of your head.

    you also said you wanted to get fit- it doesnt have to be running a marathon- go for a walk, join a team if you like sports, maybe meet with a nutritionist to talk about a good diet plan.

    coming from a girl who was also the "ugly" friend, regardless of my friends telling me otherwise, i completely empathize with your feelings about men and relationships. except i have never been in one, and i don't know which is worse- settling or being perpetually single...

    i think you have the tools to fix things, you just need to take it one thing at a time. every day is a new day, and another chance to reinvent ourselves. we just need the courage.

  2. thanks skittles and gal. i just wish i saw him more than once a week! it makes it hard to know anything... any other advice from anyone is so very helpful!! i'm glad i found this forum!

  3. Hi guys

    I have a question about this guy I work with. I have known him since August, when I started working, and we have gradually talked more as time has passed. He invited me to go see his quartet play, but I unfortunately ended up not being able to go. A few weeks later, I invited him to come see our orchestra play (we're both musicians, and work at a music store), but he never called me for tickets. The next week at works, he said that he got my note, but had to play a gig so he couldnt come. Recently, I told him I would be in his hometown area over xmas break, and he gave me his email and told me to email him so we might meet up over break. He never responded to this email, and when we worked together yesterday, asked if I ever got to NJ over break...

    I am extremely confused- he asks me to get together, then never responds to it. He has hugged me twice, but talks about checking out other girls in our conversations.

    Guys- please- just let me know what this guy is doing!!



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