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Posts posted by Young1

  1. OMg THat is so sad ERica. Im so so so sry that that happened to you. YOu were getting excited and getting ready for this baby and all that has left you. It is painful for me to even hear that. Im always here for you and will always be here. YOur angel will be fine GOd will take care of her. Yes, she is still there with you. She wouldnt want to see you cry, it will be fine just keep close to your friends and family. LIke Me! LYLAS

    Allyson L.

    P.S. CML

  2. LOL Mialeah! Its good to hear from you again. I was getting worried! I hope everything will be ok. I also like you both are exsperiencing its hard to get comfortable. I Think we are all close together in due dates. I got to the doctor around the 5th of march. Then from there every 2 weeks till im due starting in april. But oh well. Mialeah have you decided what you are going to name your baby?

    anyway its good to hear from all of you!

    Keep it posted!


  3. Im so sorry Erica! My ex was cheating on me.

    Im feeling good today Hannah is doing good im showing more today it seems. I 'm really happy. Her Name is going to be Hannah Claire Lawrence like my name is Allyson Claire Lawrence. Im really feeling peppy today. I've been looking on websites for littlegirl stuff.! Its really fun!

    Anyone Talked to mialeah lately im sorta worried because i havent talked to her in a loing while. I hope everything is ok!


    Allyson L.

  4. Hi Erica I'm allyson and I'm pregnant to and yeah you can have indegestion more and the baby will kick around this time. Because my baby girl is kicking and i'm only 5 months along. I've been to link removed and you could go under a search engine and look up baby info. If you ever need anyone to talk to i will always be here!

    Allyson L.

  5. Well my cousin who had her baby today named her new daughter Madeline Grace so the grace is out. But I really Like Hannah but i have to find a different last name. i'm feeling wonderful and this little girl is about to kill me kicking so much she is making me have to go to the bathroom every 10 min (figure of speach) but this is only the start. She is a sweet thing i can tell even before she is born. I'm getting really!!!! excited ..... I'll get to see her again in a week from this Thursaday. but anyway post abck thanks!

    Allyson L.

  6. I talked to my doctor on the phone to day and said its probably because she is moving so much... I've been over morning sickness for a little while. I am feeling a little better today though. I did ask him about high risk pregnancy and he said i was under that so if i still wasnt feeling well i need to go the ER if it gets worse. But he also said since i'm so young i'll probably have a more difficult pregnancy than some. He said he doubted I make it to the end of May too. So we'll see how it goes.

    OH yeah i just found out that my parents for there anniversary are going on a cruise to Puerto Rico, and the virgin Islands. I think it should be fun as long as I dont have my baby while they're gone because their anniversary is On the 17th of May and althougn my due date isnt til the 29th I still could go early but i told them dont worry about it go on and have fun. So i think my mom bought the tickets last night over the internet.

    My nephew that is 2 last night stayed with us and he just wanted me to play with him.. THE WHOLE TIME HE WAS AWAKE! which was for like 6 hours he didnt want anyone else but me! I wasnt feeling good but my mom was trying to get some work done so I had no choice. It would have been easier if I wasnt pregnant. This morning he poked my stomach and kissed it saying baby baby baby. (he knows about babies are in mommy's stomach because he has a 3 month old little sister.) I said yeah its a baby!

    I love kids and I'm glad that my little girl is going to have two cousins close to her age. Actually more than that but dont have time to write it all.

    But anyway just pm me MIALEAH if you want to talk more!

    ALlyson L.

  7. Yeah Mialeah I did post earlier that I was having a LITTLE GIRL... Vallery is having a boy... She is due before me In Early May like May 9th i think.... I'm still not feeling really well... I'm going to go to the doctor if I dont get feeling better... SHe's been kicking alot lately not hard really but you can feel her move more than kick... When are you due MIALEAH? please keep me updated... i will do the same... Also the other day when I went to the doctor he said that if the baby was still breech when I get close to my due date I'm going to have to have a C- section... It 's sorta scary alittle... But my cousin this month is having a c-section and with her other daughter she did too but she said it was no big deal. But anyway i'll talk to yall later! Bye!

    allyson L.

  8. Yeah i agree with everything everyone has said about your situation MIALEAH

    I'm sorry i havent posted sooner but i'm really not feeling good to day... Not at all. Vallery went to the doctor today and she is having a boy they think... but you never know it could change it could be a hand or something... But anyway like i said im not feeling so good so i'm going to go on to bed here... Talk later Bye!

    Allyson L.

  9. Hey THis is The other Girl ALlyson and Yeah I know what your talkin Val and I have talked this out all day and have decided to be best friends again and blame Justin for just using us then taking No responablity aat all... So now(just a joke)we are going to beat him down! Lol

    WEll we have decided also that we will work out anything that stands in are way including Justin (that dodo head jerk) Apparently he didnt realize unprotectred sex with teenage girls can make him a dad But thanks to all from Val!

    Vallery C. And Allyson L.

  10. WEll Fairy, I know who you are your no joke ....... Why did you even ask for any advice when you dont need it? This is for people who need advice not some feel sorry for me chat room ... Vallery Just if you need advice ask it. DOnt just sit around and let people guess who and what happened cause me and you both know what happened ok so just dont play like your innocent ok if you wanna start something dont start it on a Forum do it in person not like a scared chicken twit! Ok so if you need something from me dont be afraid to ask me because I might kick your butt but what ever you wanna Start Bring it on .......

  11. WEll like I said before and I'll say it again... GOD IS PUTTING YOU IN THE PLACE TO FIND SOMEONE ELSE BETTER. ANd if she really had truly liked you and loved you she would put a better fight to keep the love going whether it was 2 feet away from you or in outer space. Just dont try to look because love is right in front of you.

    Allyson L.


  12. HEy listen Im a girl a very young and pregnant girl who sometimes believe i have bad luck like getting pregnant at 15 but i also think this a new year and a new time to change luck and change it to destiny. There is someone fore everyone. Keep telling your self that. GOd has taken her away to find you someone better than she could ever be so you can forget that pain when you find and know 100% this next girl is a keeper for life!

    Allyson L.

  13. I so sorry MiaLeah I understand.. I had good even great plans to be a Very successful Veternarian until I found out I was pregnant... I'm just like i said very emotional and all this going on with my ex boyfriend and my friend and people saying this and that it gets tiring you know? I'm going to be a mom soon and now that is i need to be left alone about it because its already happened and i cant do anything about it except like what other people have said just be happy and take care of the baby. Im secrectly scared to death though. Thought like will she be healthy, will she llike me ... all the typical things to worry about. WE have money and I have althe support she'll need so i really dont need to be worried but i am. And i understand your goin through a tough time too... I'm so sorry though... Your problems are just as important as mine even acctually more because you had scholarships and everything. I was going to I know have some scholorship for being a Straight Student and now i've blown it all. But its my fault. I was taught at a young age to not have sex until i was married but I guess i was just not listening good enough and GOd i hope my baby girl will never do this to her self because truthfully its one of the hardest things I've ever done. And i admit it.


    But anyway we cool? ok anyway what are you having do you know yet, MiaLeah?

    Post back all! Thanks MIa LEah, Faith, and the rest!

  14. Thanks all and yeah I understand that you want one i did to and thats what I got... I do have the support and love i will need to have this child.


    and my Dear Mialeah,

    You have serverly make a very emotional and hormonel pregnant teen very p.o.ed .... I'm not making anything up... sorry for you your not ready to be a mom but accept it like i did. I havent told my experience just for thrills or kicks... It really has happeneded... and it is very serious!

    Im sorry for all the lies you have heard from others and I'm sorry you are in a postition you dont want to be in but that does not mean take it out on me! OK? YOu get that? Yes i'm proud to be a mom-to-be because i except the responsibility of my actions apparently unlike you...

    I dont mean to be harsh but I cant take this from any more people... I hear things like this enough and I will pm you...Congrats on having a baby though... L8er

    Allyson L.

  15. WEll Faith,

    I just got back from the appointment. I rescheduled it early this morning to see if I could have it today instead of tomorrow because i had something I had to do tomorrow and I found out two things...

    IT's definitely a girl and I'm due May 27th !!!!

    I'm so excited and I hope everything goes good at your appointment and can get the answers you want. Thanks for writing back !

    WB again soon and I'll pray that everything will come out just out how you want and need it too!



    P.s. BTW I talked to my ex boyfriends new girlfriend and SHE IS PREGNANT TOO! OH and ALso she's my best friend oh and another thing It's his too .... SHe told me on the way to my doctors appointment... She has a doctors appointment friday To find out what it is and when she is due.....Boy am i'm very P.O.ed. Now he has two kids and they will be half siblings.... SHe must be as far as me to be able to know if she is already having a appointment to see what it is... but we as of today are not on speaking terms...

    ANy advice is well needed for this...Thanks


    Allyson L.

  16. WEll I think this courage comes from early life experiences and my mom and brother (who is in the air force). Faith, believe me its so hard to except the responsability but I am. FOr you what ever pregnancy scare your going through... Remember deep down you have just as much courage as I do. Thanks for the reply and Congratulation on going to Graduate this year! I hope once I have this little girl I can get back in public school and graduate and go to college to become a Veternarian. Thanks

    Reply Back Please!

  17. Well really I dont know too much to say but if you think you could be pregnant just go to the doctor, take MAP, or just deal with it. IT's truly YOUR decision and YOU should be able to decide for your self if you believe your right and Dont want to take the pill its fine. But if you think you could be pregnant and dont want to be, get MAP. Just chill and if your still on doubts that your pregnant just like everyone else has said get MAP.


  18. YEah I think the plannned parenthood thing would be good to go to or go to the heath deparment Either way you to dont need to make the mistakes me and my ex- boyfriend did. I'm pregnant and 15 and it's not fun and my x-boyfriend wont own up to it. So if she does become pregnant please dont be a jerk stay by her no matter what... Anyway you check at planned parenthood or go to a pharmacy.


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