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Posts posted by Krushed

  1. I can understand about not coming off as a basket case. I definitely agree that those things are not good.

    Perhaps maybe, my issue more specifically is that if something in a relationship happened that sorta was never really delt with for proper closure, is it better to let it slide, or sit down and discuss it together so that both individuals are on the same page?

  2. Hello Everyone


    I have met a person online who I've been chatting with for a while. We have talked on the phone etc, but have not met in person yet. I have seen a picture of her, she is very attractive, and she seems like a very down to earth person. She wants to meet and I am just looking for any advice from any of you fine people out there as to how I can make things run smoothly. I think it is just the initial meeting that I am nervous about!




  3. Who is stalking who around here? I have not been in contact, nor have I seen her in weeks. I have even refused to go to her place for a party that she had invited me to months ago. I know that she is still wanting to be friends with me, but it is me that is staying away from her. Yes, I do hope that things will change, but I know that I can't change them and I haven't been trying. Personally, I feel that since my EX is friends with her, and my ex and I haven't gone through the "complete" seperation yet, that is the major part of it all.(????) I am sorry if I have been misleading in the past, but I thought it was better to keep the issues separate, I guess I am wrong.

    I am sorry if I offended anyone. Just imagine the situation I'm in.

    Have a Great Christmas Everyone.

  4. I'm a guy seeking a woman's opinion, but I'll take everyones.

    I did my first post last week with regards to my feelings for someone that I thought had a interest in me. From the lectures and advice I've gotten from everyone, it looks pretty hopeless for me. I hope that those who responded to my posting before aren't offended that I am here again looking for more advice and hope they don't think I'm a sap or a hopeless *&^%%%. I definitely do respect the time they took to respond to help someone they don't even know.

    Is it true that once a woman puts you in that dreaded Friend Category, you doomed there for ever. Has any women out there ever took a second look at a guy and saw him differently and decided that there could be more than just friends between them? Regardless, I am going with the no contact plan, even though it is very difficult. Is there any glimmer of hope for guys in this situation. From a woman's perspective, what could a guy do change her mind.

    God, I sound desperate I know, but really got it bad for this amazing lady!

  5. I certainly appreciate everyone's support. Truly I do. I am still going with the no contact idea because I don't need to be hurt any more. Still I find it hard to grasp sometimes. My ex (who still remains a good friend of mine) has always said that she knows that this new "object of my affection" likes me a lot and can't understand why she is acting as she is. Aparently they have talked and my ex tells me that she knows there is a connection between us and can't figure out what's going on. I always figured that women new everything about this crap, especially if they each talk to one another. Who the hell knows. Anyway, I'm not going chasing after her and when and if the time comes I'll tell her why. Thanks all!

  6. Thanks everyone. I certainly appreciate everyones honesty and straight forward advice. When I look back at all these situations I've been in, I can't believe I've been blind. This one just hit a little harder thats all. I am expected to show up at her place next weekend for her daughters birthday party. I hate to do it, but I definitely don't feel like showing up. I feel like I am taking it out on her daughter, but I've gotta look out for number 1 instead.

    I know it will be hard, but I agree that the only way to move forward is the No Contact approach. I know for a fact that she will try and keep in touch, she has been very good to me, but i know now that I am the one who made the mistakes, not her. I have no bad feelings towards her personally,she is a good person, I'm just hurt but I blame myself for that. However I will definitely tell her the truth when she asks me where I've been. (I hope that is the right thing to do) I know that in time, we will still remain friends, but it won't be like before. I would like to say that I don't want to have to come back and bother you great people again, but who knows. Thanks

  7. I wish I had know all this a long while ago. I don't expect that this new boyfriend of hers is going to make it for a few reasons. Am I stuck in this friend zone for ever with her, or is there anyway of turning things around down the road over time. Now that I've been "educated" is there anything I should or shouldn't do that might help.

    All of you people are awesome. Thanks so much.

  8. Hello Everyone This is my first time posting anything. I have read through many similar posts from other members and they all seem very similar yet each so unique in their own way. I'm sure mine will be similar. There is a this amazing woman that I've known for a couple years. Almost 1 year ago she and her "boyfriend" split up. Since that time her and I have gotten closer, and had a comfortable simple relationship. All this time I knew she liked me, and there were always many obvious indications that there was something that I thought was much more than friends between us. Eventually, our friendship got a little closer, adn we started seeing each other a bit more. We truly had some amazing times, and we seemed like we were right for each other even though we still considered each other as just friends, and I was obviously too shy and scared to "go for more". The one night she tells me she has been set up on a blind date with someone. As much as it hurt, I listened like a friend and even swollowed my pride when she said she was scared to go on this date. They are seeing each other and it really bothers me. She tells me she doesn't know how it will go, cause she always seems to pick the wrong man! I really care about her, and finally couldn't take it any longer and told her my true feelings. She says she only wants t be friends, and that is the way she has always felt. Am I so stupid that I couldn't see this coming or what. If we get along so well, have so much in common and seem to have a great connection between us, what is it. I truly don't understand this "just friends" crap. Why does there seem like there is so much more between us. It really hurts and I am deeply confused. Please Help!

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