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Posts posted by butterflykisses123

  1. my boyfriend and i go to different schools and this weekend i am flying up to stay the weekend with him. anyway we have decided to have sex for the first time and i am wondering about a particular issue. normally, i shave.. down there.. but that obviously doesn't last too long - usually a day or so before the smoothness is gone. since i am going to be there for a whole weekend, i want to be nice and smooth and hairless the whole time. is this something that i should want? is he going to expect that? should i wax? i never have before. does it hurt? does it last? any help in this area would be great! thanx!

  2. this may sound like a dumb question but my boyfriend and i have decided we are ready to have sex (we are both virgins) but the only thing is, we have never done anything like oral sex or anything.. is that weird or normal? do you need to do oral before having sex? is this is just in my head that everyone does oral all the time? do normal people give blow jobs all the time? or am i just brainwashed by things like sex and the city and such? i dont know.. ive just only ever done it twice in my life many years ago and i just dont like it very much and dont know what im doing all.. anyway, any advice about this (plus anyones stories about first times..) would be great. thanks!

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