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Posts posted by fletche

  1. Hi brother


    Women - Can't live with em can't kill em (Joke)


    Just so you know who you're communicating with, I'm a Brit living in Poland, my wife packed up and left me.


    I'm not right about anything, I just have a view. Hopefully there's something you can take for your benefit.


    I do believe that men and women are different. If you and I had a beef, we'd probably walk outside, knock ten bells out of each other, shake hands and agree to move on.


    Women have memories longer than elephants and I've known some elephants!


    Where you are emotionally is probably on a different timeline to your wife.


    Germany is not bad place! Was the problem the place or your relationship?!!!!!!!!!


    I recently got involved with (lived with) a young girl who'd had a difficult upbringing (alcoholic father), she's created havoc, violent, destructive, manipulative, we're talking psycho girl! This girl has had a very bad physiological effect upon me.



    I guess what I'm trying to say is, is the problem your relationship?!


    Maybe you are incompatible as people, maybe you, maybe her screwed up?


    I'd try to get on an honest communication channel with each other.


    Good luck



  2. I'm sorry to hear about your pain, maybe what I can do is to relate my experience.


    I'm a guy, not sure if it makes a difference!?


    I was married for 10 years, I lied and cheated my way for a long time. 3 years before she left me, I reformed. I mentally commited myself that I would stay with and be faithful to this women. We discussed things and agreed a plan, bought the country house, I got more stable employment and broke off contact with my previous 'friends'. I believed we were building a future together.


    Over 2 years later I came home one day and she told me she was divorcing me for what I had done 3 years earlier. While I'd been working in India, she'd struck up an affair with an aquantance of mine!


    Without going into who might be right or wrong in this situation (I don't think it helps), I was and still am devastated after over 1 1/2 years later. I reached the ultimate low not too long ago!


    It does get better day by day, month by month, but I sometimes have incredibly bad days.


    I tried to understand why!


    I try to do the things that used to make me happy, ski a lot (3 weeks this year), sail, do business...........


    What I take from my experience is communicate, communicate, communicate. This is certainly helping me now and if I'd of done a better job in the past, it might have averted my current situation.


    I'd also say that it is important to close chapters, there is no such thing as the truth, it's totally subjective. Close that door and move on with positive memories and valuable experiences and don't be hard on yourself. It's can be a killer!


    Good luck!!!!!!!!!




    P.S. Every kick in the ass is another step forward.

  3. My life is a mess and I'm becoming desparate!


    I probably sound like a right loser:


    Divorced twice

    Lying cheating bastard

    About to be declared bankrupt

    Live in a room in an alien country (Poland-I'm a Brit)

    Think I've had a breakdown

    Trying to run businesses I don't believe in

    I don't believe in myself

    I see conspiracies everywhere

    Am becoming violent

    Becoming an alcoholic

    Can't identify with other people

    People fear me

    Create mayhem where ever I go



    That's the just a taster.

    Other than that I'm your average guy!



    I do have some endearing qualities, I just need to believe in myself again.


    Could really do with confiding with someone.

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