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Posts posted by bindera25

  1. this is a little bit of a different situation than i've ever been in. about two weeks ago my friend told me she liked me, and we decided we'd like to take our friendship to another level. we've been hanging out a lot more recently and started actually going out on dates. but i can't seem to make a move. we're comfortable talking, but physical contact isn't something we did as friends. she's sort of an uptight person when it comes to that, and i can't see how she'd be opposed to that between us, i just can't seem to feel comfortable breaking that ice.... any suggestions???


    i feel like once that ice is broken, it will all be great from there.

  2. Sorry for being a little lengthy on a pretty much redundant post... but...


    So I'm now a sophomore in college, and have yet to have had a girlfriend, and for that matter have yet to have made out with a girl. I've had several interests, which resulted in getting turned down to just be friends.


    I'm a pretty nice guy, especially to girls. I often notice that guys who are jerks to girls, get them. I also know that I'm pretty attractive, too, so I know that's not really an issue.


    I'm pretty sociable, too. I'm quiet but not too shy, I'll certainly talk to someone if they start talking to me, and sometimes I'll start up conversations with people I don't know. I can have good conversations with girls, as long as they're interested in talking to me.


    On a sort of related subject, I'm a pretty talented photographer. People always compliment me on my talent, lots of girls, too, and without trying to sound conceited (I really am not that way, I'm just trying to give a background), I wonder, why wouldn't a girl want to be with someone like me? I tend to like girls that have character and have something really special about them rather than just being really hot (though I do like them to be attractive), so I wonder why wouldn't they want the same? Is it that I'm just not good at playing the game? Lol, I guess instead of spreading my talents accross the board, it was placed into brains and photography, leaving practically nothing left in the "getting girls" category. Though I know the answers I think, I guess I'm just looking for that push by people telling me what I already know. Feedback is appreciated, nevertheless.

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