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  1. Hi @Batya33 What I’ve tried to be more interesting I guess is do some martial arts. I’ve been Boxing for a few weeks now and although I’m not as consistent as I would like to be, I enjoy it a lot. I also have joined a church community. We meet once a week to discuss scripture and just talk about life.
  2. Hello there, I’m a 20-year-old South African male, and I feel like I’m an exception in the dating scene. Unfortunately, being picky doesn’t help me much, especially since I don’t receive any signals of interest from women. Let me explain further about being picky. My lack of discipline in self-improvement has led me to a life that doesn’t seem deserving of a relationship, if that makes sense. My life choices have made me feel unlovable. It might sound weak, but I’ve never felt wanted (except for one time in late high school when a girl confessed that she had a crush on me). However, it’s been three years since high school, and I look completely different now. I basically sabotaged any progress with her because she was too beautiful for me. I was afraid that she would leave me for someone she found more attractive. I’m not sure if I’m being delusional or if these feelings are valid, but I’ve been battling with myself. I’ve considered dating women I don’t personally find attractive just so I won’t be single, but being picky isn’t helping in my situation as a male. Currently, I’m avoiding relationships altogether, hoping that in my late 20s, I might be in a better position for dating. Can anyone relate to this or share their thoughts? Thank you for taking the time to read this. It means a lot to me. (Also, I apologize if my grammar or spelling is terrible.)
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