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Everything posted by PuPs

  1. Thank you so much catfeeder straight forward we'll said I really appreciate what you said and how it was said this really made me the better and bigger person I am,Respect
  2. So on Saturday I met up with Mr. Watson guys he was at the mall with hus wife and children. I was so excited when I seen him cause I told him that Mohammad Allie not even Mike Tyson has ever hit or hurt someone the way I am going to do to you,I ws going ib for the kill heart racing,butterflies in my stomach......guys! you guys will never guess what happened I'm still trying to except and understand why,how,*** just happened. My wife holds my hand stands in between myself and her lover and says to me that I should not do this to her,I should respect her and not put her in a spotlight,that I should except move on and forgive, I ended up leaving her at the mall as I was full of tears how could my better half do that to me infront of this guy my ego dropped my inner man hood escaped out of my body I did not get my satisfaction I promised the guy a beating and I was blocked once again he won and got away with it,my wife ended up being more upset then I was,well after crying and smoking more then 10 cigarettes in 15min time I started up my car and done something I never thought I would do,I left my wife at the mall and switched off my phone. She has been calling me the whole day today and I never answered. What do I do? How to I deal with this situation? She now asked me to go for marriage counseling, I truly don't know my way forward from here on. I am dumb struck.
  3. Body language,she'd always have an excuse to be with me or even lay next to me. I have not been intimate with my wife for 1 and a half years if it's not 2 years already. I would fetch the kids in the morning take them to school and leave work in the afternoon to pick them up and drop them at home then I would go back to work and just try working till about 23:00 everyday weekend included,I've never felt so alone before as I've never been alone.
  4. This is where it gets complicated and very difficult for me, I honestly don't think I would can handle it if ever I to find out that 1 or all of these precious babies that calls me Dad is not mine,*** I think I'll flip hey just the thought of it rattles me.
  5. We've dated for 8 years and married for 14 years so we've been together for 22 years so yes i truly am trying to wrap my head around this,I really thought we had gone through a lot and enough hurt,pain suffering and stuff we were one of those couples that many had admired,people looked at us and said that they would want to be us you know. Guys used to come to me and ask me what the trick was in keeping my relationship that happy and stuff,I still open the car's door for her,she doesn't really hold my hand when we take a walk.
  6. Yes she does work,even at work 1st I could call her anytime and there was no problem,2022 it started when she did not answer her phone at a certain time, then I would get a message saying she is going for a meeting okay cool,not long there after she sends me a message saying she had gotten bad news and that she wants to be alone and I shouldn't bother her for the rest of the day,then couple of days later I find a msg from her "Manager" asking where she is and that she should go to him and the times all thus is happening I'm trying to call and she never answered my calls,so the time when they spoke os the time I tried calling. I asked her if we could speak as I had a lot to speak about,when I ask her if she is seeing someone else or kissing someone else,if she is affectionate with another person cause it is not coming my way she gets very defensive,shouts,screams at me and blames me for cheating and telling me that I don't trust her and how can I even think of her that way it's like a major thing that happens,this why I've stopped asking about it and I keep my shut up for my shut up. When I want to kiss her with like really kiss her as we did before she pulls away from me saying she can't breath and her nose is blocked,so yes I never know that a person's nose could be blocked for more then a year.
  7. Thank you so much for replying, this reply means alot,I am actually sleeping in my car at the moment.
  8. Hi guys,I am not a very happy Man hey, I'm married for 14years and I have 4 children with my wife. I found out she was cheating on me when I looked through her phone,destroyed me I must say. I felt a hurt that I've never felt before,reading what I've read and te thoughts going on inside my head unbelievable,can't imagine anyone going through that feeling. The thing that scares me is that she was shielding him cause of I kept saying she should call him as at the time I needed to inform his wife,my wife said to me why do I want to break up someone's home, I mean really! She called him Mr. Watson and he was told that her period was late damn it's so difficult speaking about this ***,he then replied and said the baby is his and not mine. I can't do this I thought I could *** I really thought I could I'm sorry guys.
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