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Posts posted by lucyjo

  1. If she is still on holiday then don't worry too much. She's probably enjoying herself, she may have signal problems, or she may not have her phone on her at all times. If she's by a pool the phone may be in her room or in her bag where it wont overheat.

    I would continue to message normally but don't mention meeting again until she is back. If she misses you then she will suggest another time to meet. 

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  2. Around 2 years ago I started dating my current partner. We had lots of fun together and a good sex life. He was amazing with my 14 year old daughter which made a great change after my ex who was terrible with her. Although he had a lot of good points, i knew he wasn't perfect being he wasn't very affectionate and could be a bit rude (although not to me). He has 2 children and we had considered buying a house together and getting a dog in the future. Having a family and a house was all i ever dreamed of. He has been divorced in the past and said he didn't want to get married again but would consider a wedding abroad. 

    We then started for looking for houses and knew we couldn't afford much but did find one house in our price range in the perfect location so we went ahead with the purchase and have been living there for 6 months. During this time we have both been quite stressed and tired so any fun we have had has stopped. We very rarely have sex unless i initiate it. He offers me no affection at all and even a kiss goodbye is hard work for him. We never hold hands or cuddle on the sofa. He never tells me he loves me. 

    Some days I'm quite happy when i don't think about the issues but other days all i think is that I've made a terrible decision in buying this house with him as i am now tied down in a long mortgage and an 8 year loan to my parents. 

    He can be quite difficult to talk to about relationship issues as he will say something like 'that sounds a you problem' or 'you knew i wasn't affectionate when we met'. Having a conversation with him makes me even more upset so i try to avoid the problem and footstep or joke around it instead. And he now says he never wants to get married. 

    He's given me what i wanted which was a house and a family. But i am missing the love and knowing i have a life ahead of me without this or any chance of marriage is devastating. 

    I am constantly thinking i made the wrong decision but i am not in a state to leave him financially so i feel like i need to get through these 8 years because i don't think he can be changed and i cannot discuss this with him as he gets rude which makes me feel worse and i am not good at confrontation. 

    Don't get me wrong he has his good points, he works hard for us and our children get along great. 

    I am posting on here for the first time to get this issue of my chest. I cant discuss with my family as i don't want them to think there is a problem. I also don't want to discuss with friends as i find it humiliating. 

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