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Posts posted by virgosagit

  1. 17 minutes ago, Kwothe28 said:

    And do you fit that?

    Dont think he wants to be in a relationship with you if he just doesnt even steers conversation in that direction. Especially if he uses "If I ever get back into relationship" talk.

    He said it once. We were talking about a movie where the dynamics of the couple were very complex. He didn't mention the criteria he had in mind, he just said he'd be careful not to fall into that trap.
    He's currently abroad on holiday and he was telling me how surprised he was about cultural differences, and more specifically about the way couples are viewed. 
    I spoke to him about a project recently, and again he mentioned the couple... Otherwise he talks to me a lot about love and so on. It's all very confusing.

  2. 7 minutes ago, Kwothe28 said:

    Does he needs to? Both are OK question to get to know you but they dont mean anything in terms of his desires.

    Does he asks what are you looking from a guy? Maybe about past relationships? Flirts? Because those would be an indicators that he is into you. Asking about the name of your company is just small talk.

    No. He only knows I'm single too.
    He often refers to "couples" though: what he'd look out for if he got back into a relationship, etc.

  3. 10 hours ago, Andrina said:

    If you assumed this would forever be a platonic friend thing, would you be okay with just being friends? Or do you think your attraction to him will grow deeper with all the communication and hanging out, even if he doesn't flirt and doesn't ask you out?

    I don't find it odd he wants to hang out one-on-one, even if he just sees you as a  friend and you two hang out in a group as well. It's a different dynamic that some do enjoy. And some men aren't curious about the name of a company and don't have interest in others vacations. If you're looking to those things to see if he has a crush or not, they are not indicators of anything.

    If you're enjoying time with him, then maybe have a wait-and-see attitude. Usually time reveals all. If you end up feeling used or if you see you two have different relationship goals, then by all means, you can let the friendship fade away. Do your friends in common know of his relationship history and if he's the sort to flirt, or if he's awkward in that department? That could be helpful knowledge.

    Thank you for answering. I think I just see him as a friend but we never know.

    What bothers me is that I feel like he's getting closer because he just like having someone to listen to him (I'm a good listener) and that he's in fact really self-absorbed. These are questions we naturally ask people to get to know them, right?

    We went to an exhibition once and the day before I had to finish a really big project. I was very exhausted the day we meet up and he didn't ask me any questions about it (like how it went, etc.). He told me once that he barely talks about "work" because in his opinion, it's not interesting, and that he doesn't even know where one of his best friends work (he just know what he does). Well his job may be boring but he knows how passionate I am about mine and that it's a big part of my life.

    He’s currently on holiday, he wanted to phone me to set a date for our next meeting. I told him that I’d be back at the end of the month because I’d be on holiday and again he wasn’t curious about where I was going and with whom.

    He does ask questions from time to time like "and you?" or more specific ones. But I notice that he often makes everything about himself or that his answers aren't really personal as if he was not really listening to me. And YES he does have a tendency to only talk about himself. 

    It's the first time I've met someone like him. I don't know how to interpret that. Is he self-absorbed? Does he just like having someone to listen to him (I'm a good listener)?

    Thank you.

  4. 8 minutes ago, Wiseman2 said:

    How do you know each other? He seems like a good friend but are these dates?  Are you interested in him that way? Is he single? 

    We met a few years ago in an association where we were both volunteers. Yes he's single.
    I don't think these are dates but he often asks me to hang out just the two of us, even tough we have friends in common. I find it curious that he texts to me so regularly...

    I see him as a great friend but stay open.

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  5. I’ve been chatting regularly with a guy friend for several months. He initiated the first contact (we used to exchange a few texts beforehand) and has been writing to me very often ever since. We talk about a wide range of subjects, some of them quite intimate (family, for example). On several occasions he wanted to talk to me by phone.

    He suggested that we go for a walk together once (a dinner followed), and we went to an exhibition together, again on his initiative. He also asked me to hang out with me to see two exhibitions with him.

    I wonder about his motives. I wonder if he's interested or if he sees me as a great girl friend or if he's contacting me only to relieve loneliness, although he's a very easy person to talk and well surrounded.

    What strikes me as strange is that he never asked me the name of my company (I run a business), and when I told him I was going on holiday, he didn't ask me where I was going either. 

    Thanks for your time.

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