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Everything posted by country-girlwho

  1. Sorry I haven't been on in a while I have been busy with work. I have talked to him about the games and he is doing better with it. Since I talked with him about it he has asked me if there was anything else that I wanted him to know. Since then he has been working on trying to spend more time with me and making sure that when we are together we he is paying attention to me. He even found a game for both of us to play together and bond over.
  2. I have asked him before about how he feels about visiting my family and he says he likes how close my family is. the stops on the way to my family are like driving 15-20 minutes the opposite direction to go say hi to this person that he hasn't talked to in forever.
  3. by not giving his full attention I mean he gets on a video game for hours on end while I am with him. and he doesn't even try to talk to me while he is on the game and if I try to talk with him/distract him he get annoyed with me.
  4. no it is not my first relationship but thank you for your point of view. I will definitely think about it
  5. I forgot to mention that every girl in his past has cheated on him so I know he has trust issues
  6. He is 24 I am 22. We have been dating for 6 months. He doesn't give me his full attention when we spend time together. When we go to visit my family he always springs random stops we "have" to make. He never wants to get up early to spend time with me on the weekends but if it is for him then he will get up early.
  7. I feel like my boyfriend doesn't respect me. Most people in my life have expressed concerns that there is something off about him but they can't pinpoint what it is. I don't know how to tell if he really respects me or not.
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