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Everything posted by Lifelustlostadvice

  1. I belive its wrong weather men or women cheat . I just belive While generalizations are difficult, research shows there are some gender differences when it comes to infidelity and its impact on relationships. Statistically, when men engage in infidelity the relationship ends less frequently than when women do, around 61% versus 39% of the time according to available data. However, it is important not to overgeneralize or make assumptions about any individual based on broader trends. So when I say worse I. Mean worse for the relationship statistically speaking due to the odds of the relationship ending
  2. Like no I agree its equally wrong. But when I say worse I mean that men can cheat out of primal instinct aka horney and that be it with Wemon there is usually an emotional component to it so likely have bonded to another I.e men cheat and be nothing g more but when wemon cheat its more of an affair then cheating
  3. I am dating her she is 30 yes we have kids together and together for ten years no she was sober.and double standards I belive have a place in society in certain things i.e why we on cheat vs men and why generally speaking a women cheating is worse than a man due to usually if a women cheats its more emotio ally driven if a man cheats its usually physically driven
  4. Me personally yes if im not attracted I don't get aroused it repulsed me but if i close my eyes and don't think then sure maybe
  5. I asked because my gf of almost 10 years and fiancee of 6 cheated on me with one of my friends . Now my ex friend . And it was someone that is not in her league. Looks and maturity and financially. And she stated she did out of impulsivity. and that he made a move and by time she was able to think about what she was doing and the consequences it was too late.
  6. I mean as a man I could see it but even I still need to be physically attracted
  7. Is it possible for a girl to be so impulsive that they would have sex with someone they are not even. Attracted to emotionally or physically.
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