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Posts posted by LilyOfDaValley2

  1. Hey guys

    Okay I don't know where to start. Im 13 years old, and I guess I always knew my dad had a short temper. Like he's been super controlling since forever, and he has beat me a few times in the past but nothing bad.

    But recently I came to know that he recently got up in the middle of the night and started beating up my mom for apparently not having sex or something like that. And that just made me feel disgusted with him. My mom yells at me all the time and has severe undiagnosed anger issues and OCD, but even though I hate her, I felt so so disgusted with my dad, who I used to love. So for the past week or so I guess I've been acting colder, and I've been rolling my eyes and other stuff.

    The other day, my mom started screaming her head off at me again for not putting up my backpack, which I think can be resolved calmly, and then my dad joined in, and they were yelling at me to come downstairs and started berating my entire character, and I didn't want to come down because I didn't feel safe. They kept calling me, but I didn't listen, then my dad came upstairs and started talking to me nicely, caressing my face, then started beating me up really hard when I wouldn't listen to him. He was threatening to break all my bones, and I thought I was going to die.

    I screamed and I screamed and I screamed and my very impressionable 8 year old brother heard it all and my mom didn't lift a finger. Then he tried to break my school-owned instrument that I am renting, and would be very expensive to replace. He slammed it on the floor, luckily no damage.

    Then he eventually went downstairs while I sat there for an hour, sobbing. They wouldn't stop insulting how irresponsible and rude I am for the whole hour. Then my dad dropped me off at the grocery store to get the groceries and then when we came back, he started teasing me by saying "where does it hurt?" In A mocking tone and then he asked me to give him a hug. 

    I am 13 years old and I have to live with my parents for 5 more years. And I can't run away, there is nobody who will take care of me here. My parents are from another country, so if I tell my school counselor, or call CPS, we will all get deported, and I don't want to jeopardize my future. I don't know what to do please help me. I haven't told anyone there is nobody I can talk to.

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