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Posts posted by AdrianaKimKrintle

  1. 15 hours ago, Batya33 said:

    I agree communication. It's not an "emotional affair" - your husband justified interacting online with a sex worker.  It wasn't a mistake.  He did this intentionally because he felt like it.  So communicate your expectations and boundaries.  If you are fine with him interacting with a sex worker online as long as he doesn't meet in person tell him that. 

    I'm not OK with that type of porn at all and he has been made very aware of that. He also has been made aware that if he goes back there we are through. Everyone deserves one chance and 18 years is a lot of throw away because of a couple of months of arseholery.

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  2. 6 hours ago, Tinydance said:

    Well I don't think playing the game is the problem. Many people play online games but they don't have affairs. You're saying that you moved past it but it doesn't really seem like you have because you don't trust him. If you can trust him again then you would actually need to trust that he won't do anything again. Like, he'll go to work and there will be female colleagues there, he'll go to a party where there are women, get served by a female waitress, etc. There are women everywhere and any man can cheat any time but they don't because they choose not to.

    If you think he'll cheat again by playing the game then I don't think you were actually able to move past it. The game itself isn't a problem if he's playing alone or with male friends or something. You could make him delete the game but the game itself isn't the issue. You can't really control everything he does like always check his phone, laptop, social media, etc. You'll need to trust he won't do it again and if you can't then it doesn't seem that you actually can get past it.

    Thank you, this is helpful.

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  3. 3 hours ago, MissCanuck said:

    The game isn't the problem, in an of itself. 

    The problem is that you know he lacks respect for you, and has it in him to chase other women. To have done so while you were pregnant is a special kind of awful. 

    That isn't a problem not having a game is going to fix. So, what other steps did he take to regain your trust after he cheated? 

    Then this is what you have signed up for: a lifetime of looking over your shoulder and wondering if he is cheating again. As I said above, you know this guy is seriously lacking in intregrity. The game isn't the issue. Not even close. You're focusing on the wrong thing, which is probably why you haven't really moved past his affair (understandably so) 


    In fairness to him he has done a lot to show me that version of him is gone. He is very open with his devices, is unserstanding of my mental health issues as a result, is owning his mistakes, has told friends and family what he did and we have both made new promises for our relationship. The old relationship, along with the boy who did this are dead, the person he is showing me he is every day is a person who I believe I can trust again. Maybe I am focusing on the wrong thing, but maybe it's the only part of it that still brings me worry. 

  4. 2 hours ago, Wiseman2 said:

    How long have you been together? It's unclear why after paying a cam sex worker and gaming with this woman, why you're ok with him simply setting up another profile. Especially since he has a habit of making "unfortunate mistakes".

    Have your friends and family suggested "kicking him to the curb"?  Perhaps trusted friends and family are trying to be supportive and help you open your eyes to the situation? It seems like you're condoning his actions so much so that you don't want to spoil his fun even if he's wasting his time on sex workers and gaming. 

    We have been together for 18 years and aside from this he has always been of exemplary character. He fell into depression and says that talking to a stranger online was easier than coming to me or family or friends with his problems. Since it finished he is very open with his emotions to me and family/friends. He was open about what happened to our friends and his own Mother which was hugely embarrassing for him but showed me he is willing to change. He is fully aware what a repeat of the transgression would result in and I believe him when he says he dosent want to lose me and his son. The ball is in his court so to speak, the game included. I guess although I disagree with some of your points and they seem overly harsh I have to thank you as it made me think more about my situation and come to my own conclusions. 

  5. 16 hours ago, boltnrun said:

    I agree, not a mistake. A deliberate act. Several deliberate acts. 

    As for how to manage your fear and anxiety? Communication. If you have chosen to trust your husband it must be because he reassures you in a way that comes across as sincere. Otherwise you wouldn't be willing to set aside his previous infidelity and continue in the marriage. So with the level of trust you have in him it should be easy to communicate your fears and anxieties to him and allow him to respond. 

    What does reassurance look like to you? Ideally, what could he do to help your fears disappear or be greatly minimized? 

    This helped me actually because in a way he already has, he created a whole new profile so there is no chance of her contacting him. He is also very transparent with his phone and devices now so he does do everything he can to make me feel comfortable. 

  6. Firstly I am not looking for anyone to be telling me to kick him to the curb or anything like that, we are working on staying together in the relationship. For a bit of background my partner made an unfortunate mistake while I was pregnant and had an emotional affair with a cam girl, during this affair he invited her to play an online game that he played before this all started. When it ended after I found out he stopped playing the game for a while but has recently set up a new profile (to ease my concerns they could re-connect this way) and plays it a bit now but it still makes me uncomfortable. I don't want to be the sort of person who dictates his life and if he played this game before they met, should it be an issue that he plays it now?

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