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Everything posted by capa34567

  1. @Coily yes fully aware. She did get divorced once before. And I know money was an issue with them too. She said when you are married, it's both of our income. But I know she wasn't working yet when that marriage was happening so could have been partly an issue that she was spending and without work.
  2. @Batya33 @tattoobunnie good questions and I should clarify. Basically she would get them anything they wanted. For example, I was curious about this myself and asked her what if they wanted a car one day. My feelings I would pay 85-95% (making up number) and have them learn to work to save to get rest. She said would just give them the extra money and that they shouldn't have to have a job at all. Just an example She grew up in a household with maid, didn't have to work and everything was cleaned and taken care of for her. She actually grew up in Colombia (we both live in States) so not uncommon for households that are at least middle class to have help. As for traveling, she does like to stay in expensive places. When we first started dating she commented how she went out to dinner by herself and paid $200 for a meal. I can easily afford that, but just seems extravagant for solo dining. But it's also what she really enjoys doing. I pay money for others things so... You raise good points though there are ways to to still teach about money and life skills.... And yes @Wiseman2, I realize its still early and why I think I could just be overthinking everything and continue to get to know the person I have really enjoyed time spending with.
  3. Hello All, I am currently been in relationship for 6 months with my GF (me 31m and her 28F). Everything has been going really well and I have very strong feelings for her and always enjoy spending time with her. We haven't had an issues or arguments or anything like that. We have started having conversations about future and what we want. However, for some things, we have very different philosophies. For example: 1) We both want to have children, but she believes that they should be spoiled (how she grew up, admittedly on her part). I feel that they need to learn how to do/learn basic things and not just given everything. 2) We are different with finances. She spends very liberally. I am not a penny pincher, but I do believe in saving (for retirement or other large things). Everything coming in basically goes out with her income. She has even said she is bad at saving. However, we both have very high incomes, so not sure if this would be an issue with combined income. 3) Religion, I am not she is Catholic. While not super religious, she wants children to go through all of the traditions. Personally, I don't believe in this, but something I am fine with it if she strongly wants it. Those are just examples. We have both said out loud how we are very different people and wonder if that will impact things later on. However, that being said, everything in relationship has seemed easy and progressing nicely. Basically, am I overthinking the differences? I hear and read on here how people have fundamental differences on things and how that can impact life later on. Do others have these differences in their relationships and still are very successful? It's not a question if I care about her deeply. But these are things that make me wonder about future.
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