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Posts posted by Jr14

  1. From my understanding of her , She'd do anything to make this new relationship of her's work , unless it becomes a hinderance to her priorities and career. I know the chance of getting her back is very minimal. The only hope i have is that despite she loosing feelings for me, i may have had a little impact in her life to the least.

    Yes i might sound too wanting .

    I do kind of think that, she stayed loyal until she was assured and felt safe in our relationship, and when she started doubting the outcome of this relationship, she let her insecurities get to her. And when i missed out on addressing that , it might have left everything go astray, i don't know i might be wrong.

    But the fact that she dint want to address it and try to workout things, says a lot how dead this relationship was to her.

    I've come to acceptance that it was a combination of physical distance for 3 year , with the circumstance of uncertainty when we'd meet next and our lack of communication and self doubt on getting through , led to this unfortunate situation.

    If this was the reason for downfall , I'd accept her and try to work on both of our wrong doings. Yes i do realize this might come back in case of a future  argument and try to break us. But if we both confront the past and move on , and if we get back to the same understanding we had in the start of our relationship , we can make it work

    I know i have to accept the loss and move on , but i stay optimistic , even though i know its a false hope 🙂  


  2. Its going to be a week since my breakup. Long story short, Me and my girlfriend met in university, .We were about to complete 5 years of relationship ,when she completely cut me off and blocked me on the day of our anniversary. Upon trying to contact her through all other apps , she later that evening texted me, that she met someone else and she loves him and wants to be with him, and she cant be texting me any longer & she know this will hurt me but that's the truth !

    These words still haunt me and break me. We planned our whole life together, we had a strong bond, and we wanted to getting married soon. We both were in a long distance relationship for the past 3 years, and everything seemed to go good, until she started her residency, and slowly last 2 months her replies started to fade and she blamed it on the work load. i sensed something was off, i tried to put in more efforts , but there wasn't much response from her side.

    I don't blame her entirely for the situation i too had become getting overly concerned about how we were going to get through another 4 years of LDR, and getting angry over late texts and used to repeatedly text her ,when she didn't reply back , but it never occurred to my mind she'd just leave all hopes and move on. When she kept me in the loop. I texted her via viber, only app where she didn't block me, i was foolish to repeatedly ask her to get back , and she deleted that app too. 2 days later i texted through a different number on my closure, and asked her to just stay as friends. I don't even know if she read the whole text ,never got a reply. 

    When we started our relationship she was going through a rough time in her life, she was all broken due to previous relationships and family issues ,i helped her with all the support i could and treated her with outmost respect, which built our relationship stronger and build our trust stringer

    Now I'm here , with no way to reach out to her, stone walled with just the memories of her ,and the future we planned together. Everything we worked on for those 5 years , those memories we shared and built , the love and trust we shared , all lie shattered , all hopes gone. I'm siting here and crying , while i know she's getting the love and attention from her new love. it breaks me 

    I know i might sound desperate , or even spinless after all this ,i still want her back. Deep down will all my heart i know she's the one for me, we both shared a bond like no one else , we had a strong friendship and strong connect.

    I know she moved on way before she broke up with me , and she doesn't share any feeling for me anymore. And I'm probably just a stranger or even worse in her life now. I don't even know if I'll be even a distant memory. But i'd so anything to get her back , do anything to get her give us a second chance, she was my whole life and trust 😕

    I don't know if i can ever get her back , and i don't know if I'm too deep in love to accept and let go . Wish i had a chance to amend things and make it work 😕

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