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Everything posted by SarahAnne

  1. I am mid 30s woman and kinda feel like I wasted my youth with my partners problems. He is extremely problematic and has many mental and physical downsides and the major problem is he really feels like our relationship is perfectly good this way because I stand by his side during all those years with no complaint whatsoever. But now I feel like I wasted my life. To be honest, he is my first and only lover and also a good person seemingly but I saw him flirting with other women online and watching extremely weird porn but when it comes to reality he is like a kitten. We have never had a real sex life and also he doesn't want have kids either because he always said that he doesn't feel good enough to have kids due to his problems. I did everything to help him to get better in my way. Never looked at any other guys or anything. I loved him through all these years but now I feel like I was really fooled. It is not like we are unattractive people either we are actually pretty okay but in the end we have nothing in hand to feel this way. I am completely lost and don't know what to do about it. Where I am right now is, my partner is perfectly good living his life this way and doing what he feels the most comforting for him but in return I am completely lost because I just wanted to have a reliable husband and normal family life but I ended in nothing. I have tried to talked about our problems but he said he doesn't want to hear about it at all. ***? Did I just wasted my life for a problematic guy who is unworthy? I don't want to cheat at all but he makes me feel like every minute i spend with him is a waste. Any guy over there who says women are *** go f..k yourselves.
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