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Everything posted by wrong

  1. Because I moved to the work close to me and people started stuff with me saying he was flirting with other girls. And my stupid Manager at the other mcdonalds said dont be talking to my husband he asked me the week before she said that She said that about Seth and I got upset and he said I am still single dont worry
  2. im 39 years old When is a man going to treat me right that is what I am going to start asking
  3. He asked me out so there for we ended up losing contact and he has been looking for me and its just rumors
  4. She was cheating on him and he told me dont worry I am single He is going to get hurt then I will say no I will never date you because you didnt give me a chance of treating you right
  5. It was not my co worker he was a coustermer and is really nice and funny and sweet I dont want to be mean but i dont like being single
  6. I met him where I work and the manager tried to tell me he was flirting with Co workers. And He says I am sweet but how can I be if he dont give me a chance he wants to see how it goes with the girl
  7. I was talking to a man I liked he said his girlfriend cheated on him and then he went back to her and he said I am sweet that is not making me feel better if I am sweet give me a chance if I am not then he is going to get hurt by his ex girlfriend again.
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