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  1. Thanks for your answers, we are together for 6 months but it's not about the time or i want her to act certain way, it just seemed that way, Do y'all think it's okay to let her be and for me to not try so hard? Like i can do that easily but for me, if people want relationship they should put a lots of work from the start and then it can be maintained, if people don't want to be in relationship with things which are a part of every relationship, they shouldn't be in one. I told her about all of this so we will see how it ends, most women these days love under certain conditions, that's not true love. I understand every aspect of distance relationship, it's not forever right? People need to cherish the relationship every day if DRL or not. Most people take things for granted meanwhile we have not promised next day. I'll update you about it. Thank You.
  2. Hello everyone, I (29) would start first by saying I overthink a lot. I have girlfriend (25), which she is sweet, cute, nice to me in person, her parents and siblings are cool, but there is a second page of this story. We have a long distance relationship for now (not really a long distance - 2 hours drive) but it seems as if she was always in her comfort zone. I'm in position in the relationship, that I'm the one who needs to move to her city because she won't move anywhere else (at least it sounded like it after she told me) because she want her parents to be "close". I get it and i want to move out but it seems as if I'm the one who needs to step out from my comfort zone alone. I need to change my job because of that, leave my friends behind, leave my apartment which is cheap, my family is living elsewhere so that's already not a problem, but it seems as always when i for example book an apartment for us or we stay at hotel, I'm the one who does this, i put too much effort into seeing her, I'll do anything for her but it appears as if she is not. I know her parents, she introduced me and i spent even a Christmas day with them. But when it comes to my parents, she didn't saw them yet, She could it was preplanned in advance on Christmas but she was suddenly sick which i understand, but she us now okay and I wanted to be with her on new years eve and I'll be alone. I booked an guesthouse so we would be together in my location not hers, at least after all of this and she refused to go since she is not feeling "well" but i know she does, I would go to see her even if i was in little bit of pain from her period (I don't force nonsence upon anybody) but it seems as if she won't go out from her comfort zone even a little bit. It really hurt me knowing she just doesn't care for me as I do for her. We argued a bit about this, she aknowledge her mistakes but she is always punishing me for it seems. She doesn't texts me a lot as it was before i brought this up, she is not mad at me she says but i feel as if she is. Maybe I'm overthinking this which i do for sure, but are there some hidden ghosts waiting for me in this relationship? Is there a way to change this or is She not sure about me yet? Thanks for your Time!
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