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Posts posted by asdf-u

  1. I think that the best thing you can do for your friends is to first, do NOT tell them it's a bad idea-- you'll mess with their heads and you may ruin a relationship that may have actually worked.

    So what you should do is help them manage what they need to, such as money matters and things like that. Make sure they know exactly what they need to be on top of for it to work. So basically, help them to make it work.

    That's our plan. We respect thier decision to get married. We are just worried. We just want the best for them and we're willing to help out in any way we can.

  2. But it's their step to take. If you were to voice your concerns to them; they'd think you were interfering. Let them do what they want.


    I don't think you could change their minds anyway, the most you could get from telling them how you feel, is one day you may be able to say "told ya so".


    It's not worth it.


    Like I said we want them to be happy. We respect their decision, no matter what it is. We're not going to tell them that we think it is a big mistake and try to change their minds, we don't want to interfere.

  3. I know of a few people that dated in high school and have gone on to lead happy lifes, together!


    So don't down them so quickly. Of course, at such a young age it's a risk; but it's their risk.


    I wish them the best of luck; and so should you.


    We do wish them the best of luck and we want them to be happy. We're just worried and we think that it may be too big of a step to take. They just got back together.

  4. 2 of our friends are getting married. They just graduated thier Senior year. They took a break from eachother, then they got together and a now they're getting married. Bridget and I are worried that it won't work out and that it is a big mistake. We understand they love eachother and we're very excited for them. We just don't think it is a good idea to be married at such an early age. They are 17, we are 16. Can we have your thoughts please.

  5. AsDF DON"T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Give me detailed input but post it publicly not in PM. Do not do anything until I have given you advice and send me your e mail account.

    You need to becareful you do NOT get stuck in the just her best friend's category or else you will be miserable. you gotta play this cool man

    Just read the last post Demonblade did: link removed , with the exception of the part about moving. Those are the same things my best friend did. Also all of her closest friends have told me that she has told them that she really does like me.
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