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Everything posted by Michaelac

  1. Yes agreed definitely a door mat and he’s got away with far too much he’s a good manipulator and a narcissist very good at what he does
  2. I don’t mean a lesson as he will care a lesson he will one day realise what he’s lost no one else will put up with his crap no way
  3. Yes I agree he needs a lesson of me walking for good and realising what he’s lost yes to say I love him is crazy I don’t know why he’s treats me like crap and has always done and your right I’m always there waiting, I think I’ve got my answer to walk away for good my mental health is suffering.
  4. Need some advice I’m struggling right now with depression and axierty and I’m really down and I think it’s the relationship that I can’t seem to leave. I do love him that’s why I’m finding it hard to get rid of him even tho I no I should, he has messaged other woman behind my back at the start one of was his ex of just 6 mths, eventually that led into them sleeping together he finished with me first said it was not working but when she didn’t want a relationship with him he came back to me telling me it was a mistake and wouldn’t of happened if we had been ok, but she sent me his messages and he was saying he missed her and wanted to be with her that hurt, then we got Back togther he then caused another argument and we fell out he then slept with another girl far younger than him I only found the msg a year after this had happened but the msg was really bad he said he’s sick of sleeping with her when he’s drunk and wants more and he loved it and to take pictures off fb so I don’t see that must of fizzled out as she was far younger he then came Bach to me again saying he loved me I’m not sure what else he’s done or anything since but I can’t trust him and it’s driving me round the bend. We went on holiday he made me pay for my half and my spending money which is fine but the ex he was with 6 mth he paid for a 7k holiday for her and her kids and spending money he forgot my birthday recently not even a card nothing he makes no effort with me at all and it’s starting to depress me he seemed to do a lot more with the ex and others than with me it’s not about money it’s about effort and there’s nothing, it’s like I’m not important for him to impress me he would pay for weekends away with them nothing with me at all, I really want out but I’m staying coz I love him nothing else I can’t stand him when I think what he’s done with other woman in his house I don’t even want to be there , he slags me off to Everyone and it’s like he’s no respect he stares at woman when we go out even msg his friend a few week ago about a bar maid to say he liked her but he says it’s banter and nothing in it I’m really not happy and feel so down with it
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