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  1. In need of some guidance in navigating a somewhat complex situation. Last November, I had a brief fling with a guy I met on Tinder, which lasted about three months. Unfortunately, our connection was marred by a lack of communication, and we never really delved into our intentions. It became apparent that he was unsure about what he wanted, leaning away from commitment, while I, on the other hand, was seeking something more serious. Despite the ambiguity, we shared common interests and a strong connection. As time passed, I couldn't help but notice that everything was on his terms. I often felt like I was settling, and that I was being used. I really liked him, but he was emotionally and communicatively distant, and eventually, he chose to end things with me over text. I later found out he had got back with his ex-gf. Fast forward to this September, and I've started seeing a new guy whom I genuinely like. We share many interests, and we recently made things official—he asked me to be his girlfriend, and I happily accepted. Now, here's the twist: I've discovered that my new boyfriend is very good friends with the guy from my past fling. They're both musicians, and there's a private show coming up next month where they'll be performing in separate bands. To add another layer, my ex-fling will be there performing with his girlfriend that he got back together with. Apparently they are all great friends! What makes this situation a bit more intricate is that I genuinely liked my past fling a lot. The connection we had, despite its challenges, left an impression on me. I've had a short conversation with my current boyfriend about the situation, and he claims neither he nor his friend minds the connection. However, I can't shake the feeling of awkwardness at the thought of seeing my past fling with his girlfriend at the event. Importantly, I don't want my past fling to think it's weird that I'm now dating his friend or assume anything about my personal life. Also, I'm not sure how much or even if my bf told my past fling about me. Now, I'm torn about whether or not to attend the show. I'm anxious about potential awkward encounters and unsure of how to handle it. I really need some advice on how to navigate it. Your insights would be greatly appreciated.
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