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Agile Wit

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Posts posted by Agile Wit

  1. Sorry if my question was ambiguous. The key point I was trying to convey is how much weight physical attraction will carry vs. the personality. When asking, I assumed all other things were equal (like money status, marital status, etc. )

    And no, this is not a survey, just something many men are often wondering about "Can I make up the appearance shortcomings with other, less tangible things?"

  2. Let’s consider 2 guys:

    The “Smart Guy” is average-looking, but smart, charming, and generous.

    The “Handsome Guy” is very good-looking, but self-centered, selfish, and boring.

    Let’s assume all other things (like their material status) are equal.

    They both have a chance to strike up a conversation for say, 30 minutes, then ask for a woman’s phone number.

    In your opinion, what percentage of women will give their number to

    A. The “Smart Guy”

    B. The “Handsome Guy”

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