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Posts posted by Cclhxx

  1. 17 minutes ago, Capricorn3 said:

    I don't mean to be harsh, but I don't see any love left from your boyfriend's side.  It seems clear (to me), that he has long signed out and is no longer interested in a relationship with you. Once the spark is gone, it doesn't ever really come back. (sorry).

    Time for you to learn to accept that he's done, and move on with your life.

    He said that now the both of us need to focus on ourselves. Me Focusing on mental stability and him focusing on his self development on his career. And when we both are fully ready we shall resume or see where faith will take us in the future. 

  2. 24 minutes ago, rainbowsandroses said:

    When did he say this to you?  Reason I ask is because it directly contradicts this:

    And this:

    I'm so sorry to have to say this but based on the last two comments above, no I don't think he loves you, not the way you need him to love you. 

    He may love you as a person and friend and cares for you in that respect but no man who's in love with a woman would suggest you just be friends, the spark has gone, and he's tired (of the relationship).

    Please seek help for your anxiety and overall mental health and to heal from the trauma of your previous relationship.  

    I don't mean just taking the anti-depressants but you need a good qualified therapist to help you sort though this.

    And heal. 

    Otherwise, your new relationships will suffer, just like this one did. 

    Again I'm so sorry, please take care. 


    He convinced me when we started hanging out together, around June. At first it was all about rainbow and unicorn. Until my anxiety kicks in again, having a fear that he will someday cheat on me like my past relationship because I let loose. I became possessive trying to keep him on my watch because i don’t wanna lose him. I trusted my ex blindly before and i got cheated, I don’t wanna make another mistake and this what pushing him away.

    I realized that he don’t deserve this as he’s being so loyal to me but it seem so hard to trust again, that’s why i seek for mental health care because I don’t want him to deal with me like this. But what really upset me is that just few weeks ago he told us to stay friends now. He said that it’s best to focus on our self growth. Him with his career and me with my mental health. He told me to resume after we both feel stable and healthy inside and outside 

  3. I am in the state where I cannot describe my relationship with my boyfriend now. He kept saying he loves me but in the same time he doesn’t want to commit in the relationship. I realized that i have anxious attachment style that make this relationship became worst and that he told me he couldn’t deal with me in this timeline.

    That’s why i seek for a mental health care to help me cope with my anxiety as I don’t want to make my boyfriend to go through this because i really don’t think that he deserves to be treated like this. While I’m trying to recover, given prescribed antidepressants etc, he then told me that it’s best just to stay friends now because he wants to prioritize his self development and he don’t want to jump to a committed relationship like this and rather wait till we both are fully ready.

    Is that mean he wants to wait till i fully heal? Does he really loves me? I mean that time when we weren’t together in a relationship yet, i told him already and he’s aware that i have anxiety disorder and i was traumatized by my past relationship. But he keep convincing me to accept his love and become his girlfriend. 

    He also said that the spark has gone and this become very tiring as he couldn’t deal with my mind and I couldn’t accept the fact that he has changed

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