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Everything posted by Justanotheraccount

  1. I forgot to add that one time when we were hanging out I tried to put her into one of my friends but she said she wasn’t looking for a relationship when I brought it up that was a couple of months before me asking her out. Do I still leave it alone?
  2. I am 21 years old and currently in university, I met this one girl freshman year, she was beautiful but that year I came into school looking for friendships as I had a lackluster HS experience. She taught me how to drive and was overall a great person. First semester sophmore year I decided to ask her out, it had been some time since she broken up with her bf for a while. I got told she wasn’t looking for a relationship let’s just be friends, but I decided to block her on everything, she got angry and threw a tantrum intront of our friends asking me why I unadd her on snap but I didn’t give in. I unblocked her the very next year, but we didn’t hang out until the spring, we drank, smoked and hung out a lot, she would text me a lot and make efforts to see me often. Over the summer time one of her best friends was having a hotel bday party and she invited me. The first half was great and we were vibing, the second half was a nightmare we were in the same bed and she told me which side of the bed was mines, she autistic and doesn’t like touch but I thought this would be my moment. She was in a rush to leave in the morning, she threw up in the bathroom was trying to get me to leave but before we left I took her and her friend to McDonald’s and she sat in the backseat. I was so confused and anxious after this, why would a girl who would let me borrow her car, stay up all night alone, steal for me, contact me often and always wanted to see me and say I was her only friend in a group of people she known since elementary act like this. I got anxious and took action into my own hands. I asked her out again and she said she’s not looking for a relationship and we’re friends, but I told her it would be best if we were not. we haven’t talked until a couple of weeks ago, she messaged me she wanted to see my new pet but I didn’t reply. Something in my gut told me to download tinder and guess who was on there first week of school. I told her she can if she wants and posted a pic of her on tinder to which she said that was her. She still made a attempt after that saying that she didn’t have any friends and wanted to see me at 10PM. I didn’t reply to 4 days later my response was “we already discussed this” she got mad and blocked me, saying that it was insane we couldn’t be friends just because she won’t date me. Despite her always trying to hang out after rejecting me. my friends told me just to be friends and vibe with her, they said that relationships start with friendship, they asked me how many hours I even hanged out with her lol they said it was bad timing trying to rush someone into something they don’t want. I feel like contacting her again but I don’t know. If I give it awhile I know she will reach out. I don’t get it I’m 6”3 not bad looking have a nice car in shape, but for some reason I can’t pull her and I’m madly in love with her. What do I do?
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