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  1. Hi guys all brand new hear heads abit battered but hear goes.. 10 years ago me and my recently ex fiance started out.. we have known each other since teenage years but we didnt get into a realationship since adulthood. When we first got together romanticly she was in the tail end of a relationship with a 2 year old son who sees me as a farther figure.. the first half of our 10 years were fun filled, got on like a house on fire..we had our usual ups and downs but nothing different from anyone else... the trouble started when she joined a gym 5 years ago and was soon sucked in by the female trainer and they became close friends i was happy for her she found a friend in the new venture...she began going every other day while i looked after our stepson after grafting all day, before long she was going everynight 20 miles away the gym was. We live quite rural so it made sence.. the more time she spent there the more she was changing.. looks were important strict diet, weights special clothes, i thought good for her.slowley but looking back i could see her emotionaly detatching, cold, distant and deep into this new hype. I received a txt 1 day off a girl who said the worst thing ever shes been having a affair with a lad at the gym i confronted her about it she denyed it. and i said the guys name and showed her a picture of him she said i was paranoid and delusunal and said i cant be with you. She kicked me out of our home i had to live with relitives all the time she was having this affair and denyed it all along. At one point the guys ex called me up to confirm my suspicions as they thought it was the right thing to do,. And she said its all over he broke it off with her tonight.. the next day she was calling and wanting to see me saying she made a mistake and wanted to make it up.. the whole time denying the affair... cut a long story short i took her back things were great untill 2 weeks ago.. i spotted the detatch on monday she walked out of my life on friday without warning only to surfce to ask for money for some tv she bought 12 months ago.. i have had no contact with my stepson at all this came as a massive blindsider turns out shes living on a relitives land in a caravan.. the stepson is pushed between relitives while she drinks and partys.. and lives secretive life.. i contacted her last night as our dog needed fast medical assistance.. when she answered she was angry, cold and imotionless.. she didnt care about our shared dog of 7 years thats got a nasty womb infection.. i was talking calm professional and polite she was a monster, not the person i fell in love with.. what am i dealing with hear.. its so hard to process this as a still love her and my stepson.. i am sure he missed me terribly..
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