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Everything posted by Ivron

  1. Yes he slept with her once. They were texting for a couple weeks.. then he left and said he wasn’t happy. He continued speaking with her - it’s become complicated.. someone was messaging me every time they text or spoke or whatever - for weeks.. and I was telling him and we have since found out it was her all along. Asking him to ring her and then when he did - she was sending me screenshots of him ringing her.
  2. We haven’t slept together for over 2 weeks - and he’s not sleeping with the other woman.. he didn’t speak to her anymore.. because it’s caused a lot of problems for him at his workplace too.
  3. Edit - I should add we have slept together number of times since the break up - and he’s come to the house for takeaways and to watch tv together..
  4. Me and my ex split over 6 weeks ago. We have 2 children and spent 13 years together. he left because he wasn’t happy - and I later found out he’d slept with someone else. lots has been said and done in the meantime on both parts which haven’t been nice. ive reached out a few times - just to talk and he’s always been willing but when I ask him to come back he says no he can’t see himself being happy again. I found out he was still ringing the girl he slept with so I said I’m done and if I don’t hear from him then I’ll take it there’s no way of us getting back together. I didn’t hear from him.. but he was upset on the call to our son and I spoke to him.. calmed him down etc. we got to texting again and I asked him if he’d like to meet for a coffee and he agreed. what does this mean? I’m really confused. I know he’s told me no in past - but he knows how I feel.. so why would he agree? Does he want to come back eventually or is he just being polite? I told him he can say no if he wants but he said no he wants to come.. but I feel a bit confused.
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