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Enotalone user

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  1. I’m not worried about him not posting us or anything. I would prefer not do that even under normal circumstances
  2. Yes after evaluating everything I think I just get too overly emotional and stressed too quickly. He literally just messaged now and we had a long conversation about his day and how everything went. I feel bad now but didn’t say anything to him so I don’t need to worry about his trip being effected. Think I need to look at why I feel like this and what I can do to improve myself. Because If I keep looking at these minor things then I’ll never just be happy. And this has happened with anyone I’ve ever liked so it’s not him being the problem it’s just me being insecure.
  3. Yes it is a bit more admittedly as I explained in my above posts. Maybe I just feel a bit hurt that he didn’t decide to send those photos to me directly.
  4. Normally though I wouldn’t be as bothered but when he’s in another country it’s nice to know if he got there ok at least
  5. No I’m comfortable and as far as I know he is too as he often expresses it and shows it as do I. We knew each other a while before this and liked each other for a while so this isn’t out of no where.
  6. The trip he’s on now is with a scout group he’s a part of so maybe this is partly why but I don’t think so. Because he does message every so often
  7. It’s when he’s with his Nan and brother and we haven’t told anyone about us yet as we’re both still closeted. We both go to the beach and other places together a lot though
  8. Thanks. In person and on call he’s absolutely amazing and I wouldn’t even think to come and write a post here it’s just some of his behaviours when we’re not on the phone or together in person. He shows me he loves me all the time so I just need to get these strong insecure emotions in check.
  9. I have thought about it and I think it is me being insecure. I just hate that feeling I get in my stomach when I see he posted something on his story when I should be interested and happy for him. I will not discuss this with him, if I decide to, until he’s back because I don’t want to ruin his holiday it wouldn’t be fair. The Instagram posting only started about 3 weeks ago.
  10. This isn’t really about the hiding part though it’s just about him not showing me what he’s doing
  11. Hi. I’m (16M) am in a relationship with someone (16M) and we have been going out for around 2 months. It’s my first relationship and his so still learning and everything. And he does something which is probably small but makes me quite upset and I don’t know exactly why. we will message good morning and he will sometimes tell me he’s going somewhere with his Nan and brother like the beach or something. But then that’s it. The whole day I don’t hear anything from him for sometimes 12 hours. Normally I don’t mind as I’m doing my own thing but what bothers me is when he posts a photo on his Instagram story of the beach or whatever he was doing. This bothers me as i feel like he prioritises posting these things on Instagram instead of showing me what he’s up to and what he’s doing. Around a month ago I went away and would always send pictures of what I was doing and didn’t post anything on any social media (I don’t do that anyway really). And generally just show what I was up to. He’s been away for a day or two now and he’s sent me one picture of what he’s doing but on his Instagram he’s put at least 3 pictures up already. This sounds so obsessive and weird but it just upsets me a bit because I feel like I make more of an effort to talk and show him what I’m up to and I just have to look at what he shows everybody else. He promised to update me on if he got there and whatever but I didn’t get anything from him and just saw on his story that he was at the airport. I saw he landed because we both use this flight tracking app and he did the same when I went away. I messaged him saying basically yay you landed and he read it and ignored it for a while until messaging way later saying sorry for the late reply but he had a bad signal but I saw he was on Instagram earlier. am I overreacting
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