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Everything posted by Pat123

  1. She never got mad, she was appreciative. I also don’t see how buying a 5$ bag of candy is dump behaviour, I hear flowers are bought all the time. As for previous pursuits was never the gestures I just kept pursuing
  2. I don’t know when she’s available. You are right I get what you’re saying but when she says she doesn’t have a lot of free time it’s confusing and for whatever reason texting got slower the last few days, the night I dropped off the candy it was fast but otherwise pretty slow and if confused because it was an overnight change. I also didn’t cancel our last date, I just said I was getting sick but would still down to go if she was. I am going to plan another date tomorrow tho.
  3. I have made myself look dumb in the past for continuing to pursue a girl so this new situation I can’t tell if I’m overthinking because of this past experience or if I am now aware. I have been going on dates with this girl for a few weeks, we’ve been on 3 dates in two weeks. On our third date we cuddled and kissed and everything was going great, I was really excited because we got along really well and teased each other a lot. Two days after our third date she asked me to do something but I couldn’t because I was working. She jokingly texted me to quit and disliked my text I told her I would make up for it Sunday which was our next planned date two days later. The day before I start to get sick so I tell her ahead of time that I will still be in good health to go on the date but if you’d rather not risk getting sick we could push it to another date. I don’t hear from her till the next day and she says best if we wait. Sunday night I ask her how her week looks and she says she started another job and won’t have much free time but she could maybe Friday or Saturday. This raises alarm bells in my head because it’s usually a typical cop out answer but I try not to overanalyse it. I tell her I’ll try to work that into my schedule and ask her to let me know about Saturday since I have a bit of time in the evening between my two jobs. Monday she reminds about her favourite candy and I take the hint and buy her some. We don’t talk until Wednesday night after I drop the candy off on her doorstep. She texts saying thank you and I ask about her job and she asks about how school is going for me. Before I go to bed I text let me know how your meeting goes tomorrow and hope to see you soon. She answers okay!!! Goodnight I’ll let you know how it goes tomorrow, have a good sleep. Again I may be overthinking but it seems she kinda skimmed over the see you soon part. The reason why I am looking for others opinions is because I don’t just want to give up talking to her since I enjoy it so much but I also don’t want to feel stupid again, it just feels like there’s been a change the last few days and I don’t know why.
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