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Posts posted by adviceSeeker12

  1. 1 minute ago, Wiseman2 said:

    Have you met in person? Anyone who's unwilling to meet in a timely manner is a red flag. Ask yourself why is he on dating apps if he's too busy to meet? Put him on the back burner and continue to talk and meet available real life men in person.

    No we haven’t. He asked me out once early on but then ended up canceling and didn’t reschedule. I was under the impression that he started focusing on studying then.

  2. I met a guy on a dating app 3 months ago and we’ve been talking since then. The problem here is that he’s been studying for the mcat since when we started talking and he hasn’t had time to text a lot or go out. We only text and it’ll be a bunch of long messages at once and then no response for a day or two. I asked him if this is going anywhere and he explained how the exam is his focus right now but that he likes me and wants to take me out after it’s done, in September. I wouldn’t say we know each other really well but we have a lot of similar interests and matching personalities, based on how we text. He’s even mentioned multiple times how he likes that I’m serious and he’ll definitely take this forward. However, it’s been almost 5 days since I last texted him and he hasn’t responded. He asked me some questions and I responded to him, so that does require a response, but he seems to have went silent.

    One side of me thinks it’s because he’s really trying to focus on the exam now which is in a few weeks, but he could’ve communicated that right? Is this normal or has he suddenly lost interest and is actually ghosting me? I fully understand the importance of his exam and don’t expect much communication or anything right now but I can’t tell if he’s interested or if he’s just using me as a back up for fun.

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