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Everything posted by lisa_pw

  1. Please help me settle this debate with my friend, it is driving me crazy. My friend (24m) is completely head over heels for a girl (21f). He has her on whatsapp, and she has told him that she only downloaded whatsapp because of him and the only contact she has on it is him. The reason is because she mainly uses instagram. They message occasionally but he doesn't want to seem too eager so he tries to resist texting her too much. However, he checks whatsapp religiously to see if she is online. His reasoning is if she really likes him then she will go online to have a look at his messages. But I told him there's no reason for her to go online if she doesn't see any new messages. He is stubborn and refuses to see this. Am I right in saying there's no reason for her to go online if she doesn't see any new messages or does he have a point in saying if she really likes him then she wojld check the chat even if there are no new messages?
  2. It's never about the quality of the men. It's about the opportunities those men have. If you put yourself out there enough you will meet people and their friends and their friends' friends etc and eventually you will find someone.
  3. Also forgot to mention that he paid for half my ticket to fly back home
  4. He never made a move to kiss me, so it feels like he rejected me and thought I wasn't attractive enough. Why do you say he's passive/aggressive? When he first approached me, it was in the casino part of the bar. He said "it looks like you want to play" and I said "I am going to play" and walked off. Update: he sent me messages saying he misses me
  5. I visited a foreign country last month and got into a bit of trouble where I basically ran out of money and had no way to get home. I met a 41m who was nice enough to rent a place for me to stay while I got my stuff sorted, which ended up taking two weeks. I'm sure he liked me, and I developed a bit of a crush on him too. On the day I left, he gave me this letter. What does it mean? Is he rejecting me? Should I reach out to him?
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