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Posts posted by Eddie77

  1. I met this girl on a wedding and I liked her instantly but later it turned out that we are related. I did not contact her after the wedding because I thought that it is not appropriate and I was not sure if we were related or not.

    Later she initiated contact with me and we went out. We had a good time and I did not contact her after that. After a month I decieded to contact her and we started to text every day. We went out on a few dates and than I asked her if she knew if we were related and what she thinks about it. She said that she did not now but that she was suspecting that we are.

    Despite that we continued to see each other and every time we talked about that and how we need to check with our family if it is okay for them. When I asked my parents, I found out that our great grandparents were probably first cousins. The problem is that i have feeling that everybody around us will judge us if we start dating exclusively. My mother told me that I should check it further how we are related but she generally does not disapprove that if I am happy.

    We both come from very religious catholic family and everyone around our family members are religious. She also says that she wants to try to be in a relationship no matter what her family would say about it. 

    I really don't know how to feel about this because I want to be with her and she wants to be with me. She is that kind of a girl I always wanted to be with and we get along so well. I know that we are not closely related but I feel like it will always be a taboo in our society and don't know how it will affect on people around us.

  2. I (27M) met this girl (28F) on my summer vacation about a month after me and my ex broke up. She seemed very nice and we hooked up and started chatting and seeing each other. But the problem is that she lives in another country (we are in Europe) and has her father here (she has divorced parents). She comes here a few times a year. We still have not defined our relationship status because I don't want to be in a long distance relationship because I would never want to move out of my country and I see my future here. The other thing is that I don't find her that attractive as my ex or some other girls. I do think that she is cute but i never imagined my ideal girl to look like she does. I am also very religious but she is not and did not grew up like that and i find that important for serious relationship or marriage with someone. 

    Despite all of that, I do think that she is the most kind person I have ever met and I never felt so relaxed and so myself as when I'm with her. She is also very smart and has successfull career. A few months ago, when my feelings got a bit cold, I was reluctant to end it all but I couldn't. I visited her about 2 weeks ago and after that i grew even stronger feelings for her. I still don't want to be in a relationship because I feel that I would not be happy because of the distance but I think that I will never meet somebody like her again because I never have. She says that she understands me and that she is also not for the long distance relationships but she thinks that I am the right person for her and also thinks that she will never meet someone like me again. I feel that she is much more invested in this than I am and it is bothering me as I feel like I am using her but it is not my intention. She said that she somehow could see herself living in my country because that is also her homeland and that she loves my city and often visits it because of her friends and her father. But she also says that she likes her country and her city and that that is the place where she belongs because she is there her whole life.

    I have feeling that she would do everything for me and that she treats me like nobody does. Nobody ever treated me like that except my mother. She is also very emotional and I love that about her.

    She will be here in 2 weeks and will stay also about 2 weeks and she hopes that we will see each other. She even got present for me for Christmas. All my friends love her and love to hang out with her. We text each other every day and basically act like we are in a relationship but I don't want it to be in a relationship because i haven't yet decided what do I want. She doesn't pressure me for anything and says that she completely understands me because at first she also did not want to be in a long distance relationship or even in one at all because she also broke up with her ex right before she met me.

    I also met some other girl (22) here in my city which is more of my type phisically and I find her more attractive but doesn't nearly match my character like she does and in all other parts is nowhere near her.

    I don't know what to do about this whole situation.


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