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Sarah M.

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Everything posted by Sarah M.

  1. I have been married to my husband for almost 2 years. I thought things would change and be better when we got married, and yes I know that's stupid. What can I say I'm hopeful? This is the problem I'm a stay at home mom, with my first child, who is now 2. I feel like I do everything. I do all the cooking, cleaning, everything involved with taking care of my daughter (feeding, bathing, reading to her, changing her clothes and diapers, etc...everything). I am also taking classes online. It is the same thing everyday with him. He wakes up and chats online, comes home, watches tv, chats online, plays video games and this repeats till he goes to bed. The only time I get attention is when he wants to me to get him off or have sex. After more tv, being online and video games. I feel like a maid, a cook, a nanny, and a sex object. If I say anything he gets mad. We also watch what he wants, he never asks me. I just don't know what to do anymore. I feel so alone and very overwhelmed with everything I do. I know he works hard and stressed, but I do too. I wish he would help me more with the our daughter.
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