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Everything posted by BugDug

  1. He said this is something he HAS to do to help his family. Its not a place he wants to live in either. The reason I'm questioning is that he keeps sending me mixed signals. When I brought this up and kept saying "How many times do I have to say I feel the same way about you?" And strongly feels he wants to continue a ldr, keeps telling me I'm very special, tells me his order of preference is: be in a relationship with me, be alone, date someone else. He says he can't think about a relationship right now. I'm so ***ing confused.
  2. A little background: I have been seeing my bf for a year, we are both 25, and we currently live together. Living together was for finnancial gain but has gone really smooth. My bf is moving away to buy a house for family in another state, which could be a 7 year thing. I cannot move to that state with him for various reasons. I'm obviously worried about our relationship as hes leaving me to do this and theres no end goal of him moving back or moving somewhere we both agree on within the coming years. I take our relationship seriously and even though we've been dating for a relatively short time (1yr), I acknowledge we have a special connection I haven't felt with previous partners. I think my bf has a lot to offer even with his flaws and would like to see our relationship go a little further. Not that I wanna go and get married or anything, but I can see him being my partner, my person, someone I get an apartment with and try to cultivate something with if that makes sense. He has told me on ther other hand that he really doesn't "think about our relationship", and "couldn't have someone whose THE person with all the friends and family he has in his life". He doesn't think he'll ever want to spend his life with anyone either. Hes expressed to me he'd be alright with breaking up because theres "Always other people out there". For some context, my bf had a toxic obsessive relationship with his ex and I think hes swung from "I will die without this person, they are all that matters", to "I cannot do too much for my partners and they can never mean too much to me" because of how toxic his last situation was and how much it hurt him. His basically swung from one extreme to another where hes now practically indifferent to his partner. He says he loves me, but I know how much more I treasure our relationship and am starting to feel like he doesn't actually love me. I wonder if he ever will see me as his 'partner'. I am one of the only people hes dated as well so I think hes taking me and what we have for granted. I talked to him and he told me to wait for him to figure his *** out and deal with the other things in his life. I just don't know if he is ever going to realise my worth or feel the same. Theres a posibility he'd feel this way for someone else too and I'm just not the one. I'm not sure if I should do what he said and wait and try a long distance relationship for a bit, or if I'm just wasting my time and should move on. I've really begun to think he doesn't actually feel the same way as me.
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