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  1. Well the only reason I'm not staying there is because its a bit awkward at hers now she's quite detached. So I took it up on myself to give her some time away from me a time to sit down and think what she needs and wants and then hopefully can talk about it when she's ready.
  2. She is 36 and I'm 34, we both had decent jobs I work in the airport industry and she work in the brain injury field. Yeah i think also it happened way to soon I know sometimes you need to build long into a relationship, going into this one though we had deep conversations stating we both had a feeling that we have known each other before and what we were looking for hence we took the leap into starting a family. So what I meant when he's being " like this " is that she just never talks much anymore, no affection all of a sudden. Yeah I'm just concerned about the potential break up. I know I'm going to be a great father/parent to the child.
  3. Hi guys, So I've been in a relationship for 7 months with this girl and everything was amazing borderline perfect, we were inseparable, telling eachother how much we love each other and always texting when I am away( work or because I'm living in my own house only 20 mins away ). She recently got pregnant we both planned for it to happen she's now 6 to 7 weeks pregnant and for the past 3 to 4 days she has not been affectionate at all, she takes hours maybe even days to reply to text that she usually replies after 5 to 10 minutes. It all happened so fast within a day it seems, I felt I was doing everything right, I moved in with her, I made sure everytime she went to work I would clean the house up and down, made sure the clothes and dishes where done, vacuumed, made sure her dog was walked so that when she got home she would just relax and prepare herself for a good rest and sleep. I don't know where I have gone wrong, I also do work 12 hour night shifts but even then she does not message me goodnight when we used to all the time. I am hoping that this is just a hormonal stage that she is going through and just needs the time and space to see herself through, I am and will always be supportive of her but I feel like she is ready to call it off with me after all we have been through. I have currently decided to live back at my house while she Is being like this in the hope that her space is all she needs. She has messaged me saying we need to talk so right at this moment I'm feeling the worst is going to happen and after all we been through it's kinda crazy feeling that I don't like. Again I'm still hoping it's just the pregnancy and hormones just messing with her. Any help?
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